About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

To My Valentine

Dating and love has changed drastically for me in the last ten years. I used to go to concerts or long lunches or stay out late with a special someone, but now I’m perfectly content to get out of the house for a few hours while someone else watches the […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Candy

It’s Valentines week, and I recently introduced my kids to Swedish Fish, so…. Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!   Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that Alison of Writing, Wishing and I are doing this year (again!). Don’t forget to join our Flickr group or share […]

Evolving comfort zones

I’m as comfortable saying I read 13 books in January as I am saying I read 3 books in 2011 (that’s just an estimate of 2011).

I’m comfortable with my evolving style and getting in front of the camera.

As long as my pants fit, I’m comfortable now as I was 15 […]

What’s Up, Yo.

I’m eating my breakfast now, the breakfast that I forced myself to finish cooking before I sat down to write this. I’ve had a super annoying habit lately of burning my food when I get even the slightest bit distracted, so while I cooked it, I thought of all of […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Polka Dots

Ivy has gotten a lot of craft books from the library lately, and the last couple have been on how to make felt crafts. I love that she can do most of them herself, and she loves to be able to make a cute little project in an hour or […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Table

Every year, during the week of Kansas’ birthday (today, January 29!), the kids’ school lets the kids bring guests to eat lunch with them. Erv and I went this year (yesterday), to sit with the girls during the first lunch and Henry during the second. These are some views from […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Sign

A sign: A sign that, after a week or so of nice weather, winter is returning: A sign that I’m in denial about that: A sign that my friends love and know me well: A sign that my kids will do anything to delay getting ready […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Delicious (Happy birthday, Mom!)

I’m not a foodie, or a baker, and I don’t take particularly good photos of food or baked goods.

But, I think I’ve grown into a pretty good daughter (if you don’t count my high school years against me).

Today is my mom’s birthday, and it’s a pretty big milestone. The kids […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Colorful


The weather has been really cold this week, but the sunsets and sunrises have been amazing and full of vibrant colors (maybe that’s the consolation prize for how miserable it is to be outside?).

I always see the best skies when I’m driving though, and by the time I get home […]

Project 365: Week 52 (and a 1/2)

Yeah. This is late. Motivation around the holidays is tough. I’m just going to finish up there year here, kay? Dec. 21 Christmas celebration #1, with our family in AR. Dec. 22 We went to see a movie with my good friend and her kids, Aunt Ginny and […]