This has been a really long week. It made the third week that T. was out of town for work, and the second that I’ve been trying to feed Essie a dairy-free diet. It’s been stressful, and chaotic, and thank goodness it’s about over.

Here’s the week in pictures:

Day 22
The big two started working on their valentines for school (with Ervin looking on).

Day 23
Essie (and Erv) got to ride with me to pick up Ivy from preschool (it doesn’t happen very often). Of course, she can’t go to school without her backpack!

Day 24
For “Kansas Lunch Week” (or something like that) Ivy and I got to go each lunch with Henry.

Day 25
The E’s have “quality time” while the big two are at school.

Day 26
Ivy had her pre-ballet class (just like she does every Thursday), except this time, she had a new teacher. I don’t know why…all I know is, she was very attached to her other teacher. It could’ve been a disaster…and there were tears…but she got over it and had fun. She’s leading the class in this picture.

Day 27
Ervin really likes to hijack the trampoline. The other three? Not fans.

Day 28
This picture was taken at 8:00am this morning (on a SATURDAY!). This shows you, save for a handful of days since CHRISTMAS, how I’ve had to change her diapers….in the bathtub, because she’s had diarrhea overflowing in it. Literally, overflowing. Which is why we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with her and not giving her any dairy.

I hope you all had a better week than I did! Did you do anything fun?