Of course, as soon as I published last night’s post, I thought of a bunch more things I’m thankful for. Since it isn’t actually Thanksgiving yet, I thought I’d add some more.

11. I’m thankful for my parents. They are completely unselfish and do more for us than we probably deserve. Without them, I don’t know where we’d be or in what state we’d be in, but I know it wouldn’t be pretty!

12. I’m thankful for a warm house to sleep in (T. says it’s too warm but he’s sweet enough to let me be comfortable), running water to make my coffee in every morning and give these stinky, dirty kids a bath every once in a while, and electricity so those same kids can have their lamps on at night and go to sleep in what feels like broad daylight.

13. I’m thankful for disposable diapers and the seemingly unending supply of wipes we have at our house.

14. I’m thankful for all of the jewelry ladies I’ve come to know in the last year, especially my mama, Liz, my grandma, Dana, and my sister-in-bling, Kari. They’re all wonderful in their own ways and somehow able to put up with me.

15. I’m thankful that as much as Henry and Ivy bug, fight, and mess with each other, they hug and love on each other just as much.

16. I’m thankful for my doctor. Pregnancy does weird things to my body, and she’s always able to help me deal with my crazy ailments. And my nurse, who is patient and fabulous.

17. Speaking of patience (or lack thereof), I’m thankful for modern technology. How cool is it that barely halfway through a pregnancy, you can see the baby and it’s gender? What would happen if I had to wait twice as long to find out? I’m sure I’d survive, but I wouldn’t be happy about it!

18. I’m thankful for my friends. When I’m having a pity party and post it on Facebook, they know how to cheer me up.

19. I’m thankful for Facebook. It’s something else I never knew I’d be so reliant on (or hopelessly addicted to) but I am. And whether it’s good or bad, because of my phone and Internet, it’s almost always available.

20. And even though there’s Facebook and email and texting, I’m thankful that there are still people out there who use good old snail mail to keep in touch sometimes, because there’s nothing better than opening that mailbox and finding a handwritten note or card in it.