1. Name a color you are thankful for.
I’m thankful for blue skies, blue eyes. I’m thankful for brown hair, brown dirt. White wine, white clouds. Yellow cheese, yellow sunshine.
2. Something your spouse does that you are thankful for.
This is a very specific example, and thankfully does not happen regularly, but last night I went out in the garage to get something out of the spare fridge. I heard a noise, and saw a trash bag wiggling. It was big, cat-sized wiggling (not little bitty mouse-sized wiggling), but all the cats were accounted for. So I went back inside and said something all the lines of “Ummmmm, hey babe? There’s something in the garage. Alive. Pretty big?” So he paused his Xbox football game and went out there with the broom and REMOVED THE OPOSSUM FROM THE GARAGE. So that, I’m very thankful for today.
He also coordinates the children into picking up of the living areas when we really need it (like this week, when we’re having Thanksgiving company)
3. Something your kids do that you are thankful for.
I’ve been struggling lately with trying to get them to pick up after themselves and cool it with the attitudes and not bicker at each other and take turns. So it’s a little hard to see past all of that. They do read a lot, to themselves and the littlest one. Essie brings the trash can back to the house every week now. Henry shares his stuff with his siblings (including the brand new Lego dinosaurs he ordered with his birthday money. Ervin is almost always perfectly behaved when the two of us go to appointments and errand running. And Ivy lets most things roll off her back (which is a big deal in this house) and makes special drawings and things for people she loves.
4. A food you are thankful for.
I’m thankful for gluten free foods in general, so I can keep my girls healthy and feeling well, but today especially, I’m thankful for Katz GF Pumpkin Pie. The last day before Thanksgiving break every year, the school has a “feast” for lunch, with turkey, potatoes, rolls, and a pumpkin dessert. Of course, the girls can’t eat any of that, and I usually forget about it about and feel guilty later that they just took a regular ol’ sack lunch. But this year I remembered, and I also ordered little personal-sized pies when they were on sale, so even though I’m not sure if she’ll eat it, Ivy has a piece in her lunch box.
5. What recent good news are you thankful for?
Without being too specific, I’m thankful for the news that one of our monthly bills this year is no longer a responsibility.
6. Name a drink you are thankful for.
That would be coffee. Always coffee. And fresh, filtered water.
7. Name a restaurant you are thankful for.
I’m thankful for our local pizza place. Shocking, but true! They have gluten free pizza now, and they cook it properly so there’s not much chance of cross contamination. YAYYYYYYY! (It’s exciting, because this is very small town America, y’all.) Also, Carlos O’Kellys, because they have gf chips and salsa. And really, really yummy seafood enchiladas.
8. Talk about an animal you are thankful for.
All of them, including the ones not pictured. (Maybe not Bill right now.)
9. Name a beauty product you are thankful for.
At the moment, I’m thankful for the prescription zit cream that’s counteracting the embarrassing effects of the medication I was taking. #justkeepingitreal
10. Name a cleaning product you are thankful for.
Today, with the fifth member of the family down with the stomach bug, I’m thankful for the germ-killing ones.
11. What social media platform are you thankful for?
Instagram. And I guess Facebook, although I hate it as much as I love it.
12. Tell us why you are thankful for the last person who texted you.
The last text I got was from a friend of a friend, actually, who wanted to place a Thirty-One order from me. With money so tight these days, I’m very thankful for my customers (even the ones I don’t know!).
13. Name a candy you are thankful for.
Suckers. They have magical powers over the children. And chocolate. It has magical powers over me.
14. Name an app on your phone that you are thankful for.
This month, I’m really thankful for the WordPress app on my phone. Without it, it would’ve been much harder/more annoying/darn near impossible for me to post every day for #nablopomosorta.
15. What are you looking forward to that you are thankful for?
Our Listen To Your Mother show. I’m thankful for my partner in crime, Kathy, and the national team that’s holding our proverbial hands, and the progress we’re making on the event, and the chance to be a part of this big,exciting movement in the first place.
Linking up with Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop.
[…] Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I listed some things I’m thankful for yesterday. Today, I’m combining two more things that I’m super thankful for with a […]
This post made me happy
I'm not a big fan of linking to my own blog in a comment, but here's my own possum story: http://daddyrunsalot.com/2011/01/26/slightly-off-…
Coffee. Always coffee. Unless it's an ok time for wine.
I've never been able to get WordPress for my phone to work for me properly.
I would have freaked if I would have found a possum in the garage. We get these giant toads during rain season and they are everywhere. I've almost stepped on one or ten of them a time or two. Today I was thankful for little one actually helping me clean her room.