This was not an exciting week, but it was a cold one.
Nov. 9 Hub’s birthday! It was low-key, like he likes it. And then we slept.
Nov. 10
I really shouldn’t take him anywhere close to lunch time without feeding him first.
Nov. 11
He took four baths that day. FOUR. The last one, he got in, all demanding like. But he was happy, so. Four baths.
Nov. 12
The first heavy coats day of the season.
Nov. 13
Mornings are rough around here these days.
Nov. 14
I glue gunned my little heart out in kindergarten.
Ivy got a felt crafts book from the library and was learning to hand sew. With help.
Nov. 15
The first snow. Turned out to be almost nothing, but the kids were excited.
They were driving me crazy, so they bundled up and went outside for a while (they wore coats, obviously).
The sewing picture reminds me of sleepovers with girlfriends. Silly, smiley fun.
Erv still being very threenager, eh?
Four baths sounds like a lot but my son who is 17 takes three showers a day.
He won't let me take a picture of him, though.
p.s. I'm off to wash towels now. Seriously.