This week led up to Halloween plus Drug-free week activities, and then POOF! November.
Oct. 26
I actually did something spontaneous with the whole family on Sunday! (that never happens) I looked up a local city guide, saw that there was a ballet/dance Halloween production going on that afternoon, bought tickets, and we all went. (seriously, that NEVER happens. I’m a planner.)
Oct. 27
Another successful trip to the dentist. (it was only after that certain people started getting cranky and trying to steal cookies)
Oct. 28
Picking up a girl scout from the face-painting meeting (Louise is getting so big!).
Oct. 29
Pajama day!
Oct. 30
Hat day at school (and the “real” pajama day in kindergarten) (the day before wasn’t a goof-up on my part, just a special day in kindergarten right after a drug-free week day for everyone)
Oct. 31
Halloween! There was a parade, and then school parties and then trick-or-treating. A fun day was had by all.
Nov. 1
Our sixth anniversary! Date night!
What a fun week!
It was crazy! And yes…fun.
looks like a great week!
Sounds like a great and busy week. Pajama day is always fun and oh so comfy.
Looks like a pretty darn good week to me!