We’re well into September, y’all. I mean, it’s almost over. WHAAAT.

Sept. 14

The last day on Lake Erie for Bloggy Con.

sept 14

Sept. 15

Three is a hard age. Three is a HARD. AGE.

sept 15

Sept. 16

Orthodontist appointment for Henry’s first adjustment. When we were at the front desk making his next appointment, the ladies asked him how he was doing. This kid….he goes: “My teeth, not so good. On the bright side, it’s back to a life of pudding!” He cracks me up. I would’ve just said “Eh, okay.”

sept 16

Sept. 18

Picture day picture, in the school parking lot, because I almost forgot. Aren’t they cute??

sept 18

I was doing work on the computer and Louise wanted to sit with me. And then she fell asleep like this. Isn’t SHE cute??

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And the kindergartners act out the Pete’s a Pizza book at home…it was Essie’s turn this week. Again, so cute.

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Sept. 19

Bath time.

sept 19

And library time.


Sept. 20

Essie and I had a date. Just the two of us, all day long. It was something we gave the kids for Christmas…a date with each of us, one on one, and this was the first one we’d taken advantage of. (picture by Ivy)

sept 20