If you’re looking for #iPPP, it’s still happening. Just not here for a couple of weeks. I need a break, yo. So head on over to Angela YBlood’s or Angela A’s places and link up there!

March 30

Erv’s 3rd birthday party.

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March 31

Last day of March. And the day Erv sang “carrots and peas” to his favorite old cat.

bill snuggles

April 1

April Fool’s. Also, my niece’s birthday.

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April 2

Little potty trainer had a long day. Took a bath then slept right through supper. And woke up early in the morning.

potty trainer

April 3

These two. They needed some cuddle time. I needed…space. Ha.

laps 2

April 4

We headed to St. Louis for Bloggy Boot Camp and a little weekend trip. The hotel was pretty huge, and we were on the 10th floor.


Then we went out to eat and everybody was squirrely…nobody could sit in their own chair. You know how it is.


April 5

Bloggy Boot Camp! I finally got to meet my fellow SITS community leaders Laurie and Adrienne (I’ve know Adrienne online for a long, long time). It was a lot of fun and a lot of great information and takeaways.


How was your week?