Angela of Jumping With My Fingers Crossed (who is co-hosting iPPP now, and you should go link up!) asked me if I’d like to share my writing process. (My writing process? What? Who writes? Not me anymore. Ahem.) She’s one of my very favorite people in the whole world, so of course I said “Sure! Why not. I used to write, right?” You can read about her writing process here.


1. What am I working on?

Right now, here, I’m not really working on anything. I’m not sure why, except maybe I’m burned out in general, and also focusing on my other site. I’m working hard and that kind of zaps the ol’ inspiration bank, I guess. I’ve still been taking a lot of photos, but that’s not really what you’re asking, is it?

2. How does my writing differ from others of its genre?

I’m not sure it does. Does it? I guess it heavily features my children, which (hopefully) no one else’s does. I feel like I have my own “voice”….I basically write how I talk most of the time. And I have pretty unique stories to share.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I haven’t been a person that needs to write to get it out, really. Sometimes, I write because I can’t stop thinking about the story in my head until I “put it on paper.” I write about my kids a lot because I have a horrible memory, and since I’m no good at finishing scrapbooks anymore, I want to preserve the memories I’ve got now before I lose them (because I definitely will).

4. How does my writing process work?

Sometimes, I take a picture and want to sit down and write the backstory. Sometimes, I see or hear something and some idea pops into my head about a story, or a memory, or reflection and I think it through in my head until I can sit down with my laptop and chicken peck it out. Most posts take me longer to upload a picture than to actually write it. Rarely do I write something, save it in a draft, and come back to it later. (I do a better job of it when I let it sit in my brain and add to it and edit later, but I’m mostly too impatient for that)

In conclusion, I write to remember, I write quickly and without much (enough?) editing, and I write sporadically.

Now, I’m passing the torch to two writers that I admire very much…Kim of All Work and No Play Make Mommy Go Something Something (PPD warrior and general badass) and Kerry of New2Two (Supermom of two sets of twin girls and general badass). They’ll be sharing their writing processes next, so watch for that….I chose them because I really, really want to know how they both do it.