My littlest guy is our last one, and the last one in diapers. While I should probably be celebrating, it’s possible that I’m not really looking forward to potty training him, because that means he’s one step closer to leaving the baby behind.
He doesn’t make it easy, though. I’m not exaggerating at all when I tell you that he actually throws tantrums about getting his diaper changed…as in, he does not want to give up the dirty ones. He fights us tooth and nail when we take the old diaper off and put the dry one on. We’ve actually had to wrap up a dirty diaper and let him hold it for a while. (You think I’m lying, but I really can’t make this stuff up).
We do have potty training plans (because we all know how well those work out), but in the meantime, we have a toddler on our hands that is, for the most part, very, very happy to continue wearing a diaper that he’s worn all night or afternoon, and quite unhappy to put a different, clean one on.
And let’s be real….I’m a mom of four, which automatically makes me busy, and I’ve kind of stopped packing a diaper bag. I mean, I throw a few snacks in my purse and some diapers and wipes in the car. But I rarely have those diapers in my purse, so when we’re out and about, the kid wears his diapers for a while.
And to be real again, toddlers are busy. Even if I wanted to change his diaper more often, it wouldn’t be easy to catch him. And there’s the whole tantrum thing again….it’s like trying to change the diaper on an overly energetic orangutan. So I knew that testing Huggies Snug and Dry diapers during a birthday party, when no one wanted to stop what they were doing and wrestle a wet diaper off the orangutan, would show how well they really hold up to toddler-sized loads with activity (that should be a unit of measure, don’t you think?). It did hold up, thank goodness…because I didn’t pack any spare clothes, either. Whoops.
We’ve had PLENTY of diaper fails and diaper disasters in my motherhood career so far, and fingers crossed that there aren’t any more. I know I’m weird to be getting sad that our diaper days are almost over, but that means the baby days and even the toddler days are drawing to a close! At least we can end on a good note, I guess.
Visit the Huggies Challenge website to take the Huggies® Challenge – complete challenges and win prizes. For every new challenge completed, Huggies Every Little Bottom will donate diapers to a baby in need.
When you take the Huggies Challenge, you can win Huggies Rewards Points which can be used towards free diapers and free samples. Two lucky Testers will win Huggies Diapers & Wipes for an entire year! Drawings for these prizes will take place on May 12th and August 25th.
Thank you, Huggies, for sponsoring this post and keeping little messes contained! All opinions are 100% my own.
My nearly 2 year old is showing interest in the potty, and I'm also feeling a little sad that he wants to grow up so quick. So you're not weird at all.
I'm glad to hear it, Alison.
An orangutan! hahahaha! I hear that!
He is SO cute.
Thanks, Kristin!!
My youngest just got rid of night diapers and I am relieved. It was about time!
We are huge Huggies fans!!
I felt sad when the diaper days were behind us, so I know exactly what you mean!
I'm SO glad to be over the potty-training days!
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