We survived the week. That’s the best I could do, you guys.
Oh, and don’t forget to come back in a few hours (or you know, when you wake up in the morning) and check out all of the incredible items I have up for bid in my #LLSauction. All proceeds go directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training program, and I’ve had a lot of very, VERY generous people donate items and services for your bidding pleasure. In the meantime, check out my Facebook page to see what will be up for grabs.
AND, I want to give a huge shout-out and THANK YOU to Nicolette, her husband Jon, and Susi for sponsoring me for #FocusOnMom. Speaking of generous! They’re amazing people.
Okay. Back to the week.
Sept. 22
Our neighbors across the street grew a lot of nice, big pumpkins and are selling them. But, they were kind enough to give each of the kids one. (So nice of them!) And the girls just couldn’t wait to draw on theirs.
Sundays, when the weather is nice, are really good for spending some time at the track. Me running, them biking. (Do you like my arm photobombing?)
Sept. 23
Essie has been really, really into looking at books and having them read to her lately. After preschool, she didn’t want to play for a while, she just wanted to read a book. The current book obsession is “If You Give a Pig a Party.” I think we’ve read it about 487 times so far.
Fall is really here, and it feels amazing! Know what else is here? More locust shells on the trees.
Sept. 24
After preschool, Essie and I were just hanging out. But, I guess I wasn’t entertaining enough.
Sept. 25
The cats are not always this patient. Just during their afternoon nap. So, Ivy groomed them. But of course.
Sept. 26
I actually got out of the house, by myself, on Thursday…to go to the dentist. It was thrilling, really. But, I forgot to take a picture. And then I forgot to take one until after I put the kids to bed. So, all that was left was a rare moment (this week) of me relaxing and watching Girls on Netflix.
Sept. 27
“Extreme Green” day at school for the homecoming parade. Look at those smiles!
And Essie was my super helpful helper after preschool. She wouldn’t pick anything up off the floor, but she cleaned the kitchen and bathroom with me like nobody’s business. (Which was really, really good because the house has been a DISASTER this week. Solo parenting + too busy to breathe = big, BIG messes.)
Sept. 28
Ivy and my parents were signed up to walk a 5K in KC Saturday morning. Unfortunately, by the time they got there, it was raining and lightning. My mom said that some people still did it, but she wasn’t going to risk it. So, they went to Home Depot instead. But, of course. (Also, it looks like Ivy wet her pants, but apparently she threw up a little in the car.)
How was YOUR week?
What a mad week it's been for you – all for a good cause!
I love when kids wipe counters/ tables off. They might not be very good at it yet (at least, my boys aren't), but it helps somewhat.
Looks like you all had an excellent week. I need to start putting my daughter to work in the house more often!
My girls would much rather wipe things down and use Windex to clean every surface in sight than pick anything of the floor. Certainly looks like you've had a busy week – solo parenting can't be easy at all. I've had to do it a time or two when hubby used to have to go to NY for business. I'm glad, he doesn't have to do that anymore.
Such a busy week. for you! And I love If You Give a Pig a Pancake. We haven't read it in a while, I should bring it out again.
Your kids are just adorable, Greta.
We just re-started our Netflix subscription a week ago and so far I've had time – or taken time, rather – to watch a grand total of one show: the series premiere of Orange is the New Black. It was so relaxing and enjoyable. Sometimes it's the simple things.
I never tire of seeing pics of your kids. They (and you) are just so adorable!