I feel like we haven’t stopped traveling/moving/doing/packing/unpacking/preparing/celebrating all week. (No, we’re not moving into a new house or anything. I literally mean moving our bodies and packing/unpacking for trips to see grandparents) I’m tired, but this afternoon began a full week of being kid-less…we had to start it with a movie and dinner out, of course.

July 21

We were still in AR visiting some of the kids’ grandparents. There was a lot of swimming and playing with birthday gifts that the girls got, like this tent.


July 22

Here’s a shot of Erv’s self-inflicted table-crashing-lip-biting injury. It’s hard to see here, but if you look closely, you can see the two bite marks in his lower lip.


July 23

My little nap refuser at Uncle Ethan’s house. After two hours in his playpen, he fell asleep in the chair.


July 24

We loaded up from Nana and Papa’s house and drove home, and I didn’t take any pictures until almost bedtime, when the girls and I went to see my parents’ new dog. They were a touch enamored.


July 25

Ivy officially turned six! When she went to bed, she talked and talked about how much it rained all day, but really, we had fun. We made bracelets and painted sun-catchers and magnets, and when it finally stopped raining, we went to the track so they could ride their bikes, She had been wanting to ride since the girls had gotten their new baskets and streamers, and the track is one of the few places around here that they can safely go for bike rides (Henry wasn’t feeling so hot and wanted to stay home and play Minecraft).

(P.S. Don’t worry….they all got new helmets the next day. Even Erv, who doesn’t have a bike yet)



July 26

We celebrated Ivy’s birthday (again) with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s. This is my favorite picture from the night:


July 27

I took the big kids back to school shopping, since by the time they get back, it’ll only be a couple of weeks until school starts (EEK).

This is kind of how I feel about having three kids in school:

bts shopping