School’s out for summer!

This week, I had a guest post over at To Hab and To Hold, all about my love (and hate) of summer. Mostly love. And I’d love for you to drop by and visit over there!

May 19
We went to my niece’s birthday party. They have an awesome yard. And chickens.



May 20
We finally have some blooms in our garden, now that the snow seems to be a distant memory. *eye roll*


May 21
I got to go, by myself, to get groceries and run some errands. The day was absolutely gorgeous.


May 22
Kindergarten graduation! It was an emotional day for my sensitive girl.


May 23
The official last day of school!


May 24
First full day with all of the kids home. It was a lazy day (for them, anyway).


May 25
Hub’s parents are visiting for the weekend, so we cooked out on a fire for lunch and had gluten free s’mores after dinner (thanks to their Nana for sending them!).


Also, the baby was not feeling well at all…he threw up after breakfast and took a long nap. But, he woke up with this awesome hair:


Have a great weekend of remembrance, everybody.