March 31

We spent Easter Sunday out of town, first visiting my grandma, then eating with my other grandparents for my grandpa’s birthday. The kids finally got to color eggs, but only because my mom brought everything with her. I was not prepared last week.


April 1

Sometimes, you just have a droopy (pony)tail day.

droopy tail

April 2

This girl loves the kitties. “Mom, I got my Mako Shark.” Doesn’t Mako look thrilled? Most patient cat EVER.


April 3

Hubs and I went to see AWOLNATION. It was pretty awesome (and late for us old people).


April 4

Erv got his stitches out on Wednesday, and the doctor glued three steri-strips (you know, the tape that holds a wound together) over the spot so it could finish healing, and covered everything with a band-aid. Then I took him home and put him in bed for a nap. I got him out of bed, and he had zero steri-strips on his head. So, I panicked, and sent my husband back to the clinic with him, where the nurse put two more strips on his head (without any glue) and sent them home with extra strips. His forehead was bare by morning, so we went back AGAIN. A different doctor put three layers of glue on the wound…..which lasted two days before he ripped it off. I give up.

steri strips

April 5

This lucky little first grader brought home a note saying that next month, his class would be going to Legoland-Kansas City on a field trip. He’s pretty excited.


April 6

My niece had her birthday party today, and it turned out to be a beautiful (albeit windy) day in the park for it.

sandy toessundaes


Did you do anything fun this week?