This has been a busy few weeks for me, Mamavation-wise. I completed the #mamavation5K training plan and virtual 5K on Saturday with my personal best time of 34:50! I’ve cut about 5 minutes off of my time since the beginning of the year, so I’m pretty proud of that.


The training plan was tough…there were days when I wasn’t sure I’d be able to finish the workouts, but I managed to push through (and during the last workout, a fellow Sista helped me out A LOT by doing the second half of the workout with me). I really think it helped me, though. The interval running days showed me that I could run faster than I thought, and the Core days (three times a week, and included side planks, regular planks, and other core-strengthening exercises) REALLY helped to get my abs, torso and back stronger. And though it was hard work, I actually started to like the Leg Blaster days (which included squats, lunges, and other thigh and butt firmers) because I knew they would get my jiggly legs stronger. I’m going to keep up a lot of the exercises in this training plan, and incorporate some from the 2 Week Challenge that a lot of the Mamavation SIstas completed a week or so ago.

I feel like I have to keep this stuff up. Why? Because not only do I feel (and think I look) better and stronger, but I’m participating in the Kansas City Warrior Dash in exactly….26 days. I’m feeling a lot better about my chances of actually finishing (I know I can FINISH), but I’m also feeling like maybe I won’t struggle through the entire thing, or vomit, or collapse. It will be HARD, don’t get me wrong. But if I keep up these workouts, I think it’ll be a little easier. A little. (eep)

So anyway. I ran this morning, bringing my 2013 total to 165 miles. I’m looking forward to hitting 200 by the end of the month! And I’m not sure where exactly I am on the scale….in the middle of the week, I was down at least a pound. But there has been some Easter candy since then. Ahem.

This post is sponsored by RockMyRun & Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway