So, last week I was super excited to have hit 100 miles of my goal to run 500 miles this year, and then with the Virtual 5K, go on ahead to 103.1 miles. Well, I’ve had another busy week, but this time, I started to kick my butt into gear.
I ran another 14.9 miles, bringing the total up to 118/500. But, instead of running 3 miles five times this week, I ran 4.9, 3, 3, and 4 miles. Awesome, right?! I get a distance in my head that I want to run (like the 4.9 and 4 miles) and I don’t really stop until I get there. Okay, maybe those two times, I stopped to take a couple of breathers….that’s kind of a big jump for me when I’m so used to stopping at 3 miles every time.
I have also been working on my muscles. Seriously, it’s about time. I’ve been scared since I made the goal of 500 miles, that if I tried to do more weight training or muscle strengthening, I would be too sore to run and fall behind on my miles. (I don’t know where the fear came from, except maybe the fear that everyone would know if I didn’t meet my running goal and I didn’t want to sabotage that?)
But, I went for it. It was partly because I finally got some hot pink skinny jeans, which fit perfectly, except I noticed that I could really use some firming up…everywhere. I’m like cotton candy on a stick, you guys. Fluffy everywhere except my calves, which are rock hard (yay?). And, at the same time, the Mamavation 2 Week Challenge was announced. It looks totally grueling, and I’m scared to participate. But I’m going to, because it also looks like there could be major results if I get through it (which I will, because I‘m stubborn, remember?).
So anyway, I dusted off my Biggest Loser Yoga DVD and have done that five times since last weekend. I also ordered a Ballet Beautiful video, which….how do I say this? Could be life-changing. It is nothing but simple moves, done by a gorgeously lean ballerina (with long, perfect hair), that are INTENSE. They burn, baby. I’ve done that video twice already, too. I’ve also added some exercises from the 2 Week Challenge plan, especially arm moves. I’ve actually been looking forward to doing the extra exercise every day, and as much as it burns to do it, as soon as I ‘m done, I feel great (sore, but great).
It helps that I have a new workout buddy who asks (no, demands) that we do the “stretching fing” every day, until I turn it on and she can watch me do it while I ask her repeatedly when she’s going to join me.
I also been watching my food portions more closely again, cutting out most of the late night sweets that I’ve been craving all year so far, and adding a LOT more fruits and vegetable servings to my day. I’ve been craving things like frittatas that I LOAD UP with veggies and are so delicious. I made one for lunch today that had a whole orange pepper, half a red pepper, a handful of grape tomatoes, and a whole yellow squash (all diced up, obviously). I had to add an extra egg to it just to cover all the veggies in the pan, plus tons of pepper and some feta cheese. SO GOOD.
The number on my scale had been creeping up (remember, I lost about 45 lbs last year, and had maintained it, pretty much to the pound), until I had a new number that didn’t budge….2-3 lbs heavier than I had been for several months. I am thrilled to say that after this week, those pounds are GONE (I’ve been consistently weighing in at 147.6 for several weeks, and this morning weighed in at 144.8). And I’m not sorry to see them go. So, now I’m back to where I was in the fall and plan to move the number down, rather than up again.
This post is sponsored by Roni Noone and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway. The links to the videos above are NOT affiliate links, I just like them and thought I’d share.
That is so awsome that you lost the weight and the amount you have been running is amazing. I'm working on getting back to running and it is so hard. Good luck to you!!
Thanks, Julia! I'm so grateful for the momentum I have, because it's such a habit for me now. If I were to take a break, I'd be in trouble!
Congratulations Greta! Keep rocking sister! By summer you are going to buff!
Thank you, Kelly! I sure hope so!!
See, told you that you'd rock this.
Yay for pounds lost and gone forever!
Thanks, Alison! I sure hope they're gone forever.
I am definitely excited to see how you do with the ballet DVD. I always look for lengthening, grace stuff since I can power through almost anything. Pilates and Barre are on my mind as I come off this pregnancy, etc. Anyway you are rocking it!! You are definitely on to 500 miles and watching those food portions is major. Have a great week – see ya at the virtual 5K this weekend.
Thanks, Kia! The ballet video is tough….you can definitely feel the burn right away!! I hope I can see results; I can't imagine that I won't. The yoga video I have been doing has a yoga/pilates section which is good, too.
Oh skinny hot pink jeans I was thinking the same thing. Congrats on getting that scale to budge. I have heard of those Ballet DVDs they have to work I have never seen a fat ballerina
Congrats, Greta! You're rocking it! That 500 mile goal is so awesome, and you're already more than a fifth of the way there. Woot!
Yay!!! Great job!!!
gGood for you! Those veggies look yummy. You have the same fine china set I do.
I am so proud of you Greta! You have worked so hard . . . what an amazing inspiration for all of us and a fantastic example for the kids.
I'm not a runner, but registered for a 5k the first of April, so I went from couch to… well, I'm running 1.5 miles straight right now. I so want to run the 3.1 miles by April 6. I also wish I enjoyed running, but honestly, I'm not lovin' it. I'm impressed at the miles you're logging! Wow!
That looks tasty! Good job on the running
You are SO rocking! I have been so inspired.
You are doing great! Going from 3 miles to 4.9 or 4 even is tough, but you did it!! I've been increasing my distance slowly. I'm up to 4.5 and plan on doing 5 miles on Sunday. I've done it once, but I'm scared to try again and I don't know why.
Also, good job on watching your portions. I've been working on that as well. I've been eating 3 small meals a day with 3 snacks in between, and I can't believe how much of a difference it really does make.
What great progress-Awesome milage congrats!