What was I doing in 2008? Ummm….?
My friend Elaine at Miss Elaineous Life and Heather from Theta Mom are starting an Old School Blogging Link-Up (you know, like blogging a la 2008?). And you know, I’m stressed out right now, so I thought it’d be a fun, easy post to do.
Do you remember way back when, when bloggers would “tag” each other and ask each other questions? Well, I do. Back before I had a “schedule” and all that. Well, Elaine and Heather are bringing back the Old School Blogging, just for kicks. Join in!
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I was 22. I had just graduated college and gotten married. I was working in the cash office at Walmart, I believe (or maybe I was still a lowly cashier at that point).
2. What 5 Things are on your To Do List?
Right now, as I write this? Plan and execute next weeks’ birthday party, practice and print out my reading for the LTYM show audition, dishes, run some miles on the treadmill, and laundry. Because it never ends.
3. What 5 snacks do you enjoy?
Chips and dip, popcorn, fruit (mangoes and blueberries, especially), string cheese and pepperoni dipped in pizza sauce, and…fruit snacks. Yep, I’d eat all of my kids’ gummies if I thought they wouldn’t notice. And crackers and cheese, but that’s six.
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
Travel (to Hawaii, Italy, Disney World), run in fun 5Ks around the US (like the princess ones at Disney World), buy a bigger house.
5. Name some places you have lived
Kansas, Arkansas, and Kansas.
6. Name some bad habits you have
I don’t bite my nails, but I do tear them off when they start to get long.
7. Name some jobs you have had
Car hop at Sonic, play place cleaner at McDonalds (yeah, that didn’t last long), poop scooper at the Humane Society, cashier (see above), receptionist for a construction company, and the most rewarding job in the WHOLE world, stay at home mom. Snort.
I want to go to Italy too!
We were so close when I was pregnant with Ervin, in the early stages of planning and internet stalking. And then my dr said I couldn't fly that long. So we swtiched to an all-inclusive trip to Mexico. The flight for which was cancelled due to a ginormous snow storm. So we went to Kansas City that weekend. SIGH.
you crack me up! YOu litte snack thief!
Maybe that should have been one of my bad habits.
You're such a wholesome little snack thief.
Haha! I also steal candy but don't tell my kids.
I SO should not be reading the snack part of these posts this late at night…
I LOLed at the fruit snacks, but man, sugar is good in any form yes?
Also, can I come to Hawaii with you? Please?
I KNOW. I'm so hungry now, THANKS A LOT.
Absolutely! And we'll get some fruit snacks for the plane.
I'm actually just about to do this myself! I thought it would be fun =]
It is fun!!
Yuppers =]
I would totally do the same if I were a millionaire. Just travel around the world, and stop back in locally to see my family occasionally because I'm sure I'd miss them.
Oh, I know. I can barely think about leaving my family and moving somewhere else. But vacations, I can do.
Haha, I like your snort at the end
Even though I bet it is the most rewarding job! I'm totally going to do this because it seems to be something my overworked brain might be able to handle this week.
Do you only steal the good fruit snacks? You know how some of them taste a little like…nothing. Or rubber. But then there are the good ones that are like the Welch's ones and taste delicious and fruity? I steal those ones. But maybe you never buy your kids the worse ones, even when they're on sale for really cheap
It is rewarding, the bosses just forget to give me praise most of the time.
I think I only buy the good ones. Except, I like the smiles from Walmart WAY more than the fruit ones from Target, and that's what we have right now. (this is what my life has come to. HAHAHAHA)
Giggling at the fruit snacks
Aren't they good?!
Yeah guilty of the fruit snacks. Why didn't they have cool stuff like that when I was a kid?? I worked at Walmart 2x once as a cashier the next in the bakery..
Mmmm…the bakery. I would be enormous if I was around all that frosting. Grocery and chain stores make the best cake. And DONUTS. Oh my word, I'm so hungry now.
I so want to do a 5k at Disney I think that would be awesome.
Right?! My dream is to do a 5K there and bring the family on vacation at the same time. Although, I have talked to someone that goes alone to run in the races.
Hahaha, I love the *snort* to finish the post!!
Yeah, no sarcasm at all there.
Good lord. 10 years ago I still wasn't as young as you are old now. I'm going to eat guacamole now.
Have you tried the Ocean Spray fruit snacks. Man those things are good.
Let's all get together and travel to Europe when we become millionaires!
Do you even bother putting laundry on your list anymore? Ugh the never ending chore~ I laughed at the "kids let me." I swear my kids count the fruit snacks!
They totally do! And god forbid you actually RUN OUT.
Yeah, laundry never ends. And it never comes off of the to-do list.
Oh man, I'm itching to travel!! We can't keep fruit snacks in the house for the very reason you mention
My kids would probably go nuts without fruit snacks. Which is precisely why I don't eat very many of them….I don't get to the grocery store often enough.
Oh wait – is stay-at-home-mom not rewarding? Why didn't anyone tell me??!! (grin) I hope you do get to travel to the places, even without being a millionaire. Hawaii is beautiful. And – why not EuroDisney here in Paris if you're dreaming?
Haha, it's so rewarding! I have, like, shelves full of medals now. I do definitely need to visit Europe some day. And you're absolutely right…it CAN happen for non-millionaires! It will!
I was 22 ten years ago too. Seems like that was forever ago.
Doesn't it? It was a completely OTHER life back then. For me, anyway.
Ooh fun! I was 22 also. Kind of miss the days when I knew everything….
Laundy – I feel like I'm doing laundry in a continuous loop – over and over again. It never ends, is right. I wouldn't mind doing some more travelling but mostly around the US, there's so much I want to see and do.
Oh you are such a baby! I would love to travel too. And the fruit snacks I just wish there were a few more in a bag, but then again they probably weren't made for mom sized appetites!
I know, exactly! Someone making mom-sized bags would make a killing!!
Play place cleaner? That would be the craziest place to clean! Good luck at LTYM! How exciting! I loved reading your lists. These are all so fun!
Yeah, that job was pretty gross, actually. HA! Thanks, Adrienne!