I had no idea what to get my husband for Valentine’s Day, until I saw a Facebook post from a local photographer that has taken our family pictures before, back when the three year old was just a babe. She was doing headshots, just for one weekend before the holiday. I was tempted, but the weekend wasn’t going well and I just didn’t feel like leaving the house.

But a couple of days later, she posted that she was going to do it again, just for one day, last Sunday. I decided then that that was what I’d do for Valentine’s. I’d go, get my makeup done, and let Misty do her magic to somehow make me look “sexy”.

And somehow, she did take amazing photos. I’ve never paid for headshots before, but I’m so glad I did, at least once in my life. Okay, yeah, I take plenty of pictures of myself these days, with Instagram filters when I’m having a good hair day. But I also want my husband, and my kids, and my grandkids to look back some day and think “hot damn, she was pretty!” Or, you know, something along those lines.

I realize this is vain. But, haven’t you ever gone through your mom’s or your grandma’s old pictures, and saw one from her teenage years, or as a young mom, and thought that? I LOVE when that happens. To get that glimpse into a time that you weren’t part of and have no memories of, only stories you’ve been told?

So, I got made up, had a (small) glass of wine to try to combat some nerves, and let her do her thing.

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It was fun to “model”, at least once in my life, and I LOVE the way they turned out (I think hubs does to).

Locals, if you’re looking to get any portraits done, of you, or your family, or your kids, call up Misty Bartlett at Captured Image Photography in Tonganoxie (or find her on Facebook). Tell her I sent you, and she’ll give you $50 off of your sitting fee. You will NOT regret it.

I paid for my photos and was not paid in any way for this post. I just love Misty and think she did a fantastic job. And she’s generous enough to offer you guys a discount.