Did you know that you can will your iPod to play a certain band while it’s set to shuffle? Okay, that’s totally not true, but I did start thinking of a band I wanted to hear while I was running, and they played seven songs later. Coincidence?
What IS completely true is that if you HAVE a lot of Madonna on your iPod, and it’s set to shuffle, it will PLAY a lot of Madonna. Go figure.
As of today, I’m up to 63 total miles ran for the year (remember, my goal was to run 500 miles in 2013). I had expected to run about ten miles a week, so that means (through January, which had about four and a half weeks) I’m 10-15 miles ahead of that so far. Yay!
The three year old really likes to ask what things mean.
“Mama, what does ‘imagination’ mean?” Ummmm…..?
“Mama, what does ‘picking your nose’ mean?” Oh girl, you KNOW what that means.
The baby cracks me up. He’s SO busy. He likes to say “set. GO!” to himself, then run across the room. Stop, turn around, say it, and RUN the other direction. I think I’ve mentioned before just how much I appreciate that my kids will entertain themselves, even at nearly-two years old. It’s pretty great.
I needed to get out of the house today, and it was sunny out (but cold), so I went to the high school track and ran three miles there. Now, you know I’m a treadmill girl. I can force myself to keep going on the treadmill, because I have to physically push the button to slow down and I’m too stubborn to do that most of the time. But I ran OUTSIDE. And I only stopped for a couple of drinks of water, no walking.
Even with all of this running, the scale has been trying to creep up lately. I don’t know…it could be the intense cravings for sweet stuff that I have in the middle of the afternoons and right before bed. Anyway, I will NOT allow that to happen, so I’ve been super conscious of my water intake and increasing it by, oh….400%. I feel better, but that could be all the extra exercise from the frequent emergency trips to the bathroom to pee. Who knows.
Once again, I’m stealing Jess’ (from Wrangling Chaos) blurb post idea. Because sometimes it’s fun to write blurbs.
You are such an inspiration! Did you start with the couch to 5k training when you started to run? I'm so overweight and haven't exercised in a year. I don't know where to start.
I did start with Couch to 5K last year, twice actually. I got to about week 4 and gave up, then started again and went all the way through. What I love about it is that you can walk and jog at your own pace. I was pretty slow when I did it both times, much slower than I am now. Which was fine because I started at my own pace and was able to keep going without getting overwhelmed. I highly recommend it!
I love reading blurbs/ snippets.
Yay for the runs and the miles, go you!
I'm the same with treadmills and running outside, heh.
I imagine you'd have to be brave to run much outside there? At least, confident in yourself with all of the people around! I….am not.
That is awesome to be ahead of your goal already… Kids crack me up with all their lil shenanigans they stir up… Afternoon and evening cravings are the worst for me so i usually make sure i have a evening afternoon snack worked into my day you know just in case
Yes! I do better when I've got a snack planned and ready for those times of day when I'm all of the sudden FAMISHED. I don't do it often enough, but I need to start being better about it.
Way to go on your running! I love the idea of a blurb post – so fun. Also, I, too, have a blurred photography subject. It is so tough to get a photo of my three year old.
Thanks! And yeah….I have to bribe my 3yo OFTEN to stand still long enough to take a clear picture. Unfortunately, the almost 2yo isn't quite to the bribe stage yet.
Good job on the running. That is something I want to accomplish soon. Good luck
Thanks, Monica!
Totally need to catch up here. LOVE the new look! I love the blurbs and so impressed with the running. My scale is doing the same thing over here. Exercise is happening but the weight coming off is not. I think you look fabulous and you are truly inspiring!
Aw, thanks, AnnMarie!! We'll both get there. I have a hard time with portion sizes when I eat, even though I KNOW I'm eating too much.
This girl is soooo not a runner. my chest size has prevented long term running from being comfortable since high school pretty much. Just the thought of running that far has my chest aching.. ouchh.. But you keep going and stay ahead of the game..
Yeah, I don't have that problem! When I lost weight last year, my boobs were the first to go (and they weren't big to begin with). Sigh.
you are doing great! Don't worry about the scale, you're building muscule! Judge by how you FEEL!
You're an inspiration.
Great job on the running! I'm definitely not a runner, but I want to work out a lot more this week than last (one workout total). Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks, Rebecca! We're in this together!
Awesome job with your running this week! Congrats!
Thanks, Lily!!
How is your carb/sugar intake? Low or high? Most of the runners I know eat loads of carbs, but the CrossFit people tend to do more Paleo (low carb). Which do you subscribe to?
I have a problem with sugar, that's for sure. I'm GF, but I do eat carbs (though not a ton). I was finding that if I ate too much protein before I ran, I was dragging, so I've started just eating a banana and a handful of cereal, then having my breakfast afterward. I do find my appetite increasing a little, too, but I can mostly stave it off with a bowl of fruit or some greek yogurt unless I let myself get TOO hungry between meals. Then I have trouble not going nuts (mostly with sweets). So yes, I'm in the carb camp, I guess.
Oh, you must know I LOVE posts like this! And I'm so proud of you for the running. Honestly, I prefer the treadmill too but I do tend to go faster outside. And my iPod plays a lot of Katy Perry just for that same reason you mentioned… ;p
Haha! Today, I put it on shuffle, and I swear it tried to play six different Madonna songs in a 40 minute period.
I do go faster outside, I think. And now that I actually did it, I get a little bored on the treadmill. I can't wait until it gets warmer and we can at least go to the track on the weekends!
WOW, you are doing AMAZING Greta! I love watching those miles tick down on your count!
Congratulations at the track – that is super awesome. I'm the same way on the treadmill hahahaha
Thank you so much, Joanna! (You are an awesome cheerleader!)
Blurbs are perfect snap shots of the thought bubbles that should appear over our heads. Life would be SO interesting if that really happened, no?!
Yes! And dangerous. Ha!
Love the "Set. Go!" My 2yo yells "On Mark, on set, Go!" and takes off down the hall. Love the little blurb idea!
It's so cute, isn't it? He always does it right before bed, which is fine with me, because he takes late naps and needs to burn off some energy! The blurbs were totally not my idea, but I had to steal it.
I'm so happy all my kids are over the "why" asking stage. That used to drive me bonkers… the constant why, why, why. So I can only imagine your three year old asking questions and wanting to know meanings of things!!! So amazed how you are keeping up your running progress – awesome!!!
And every time she asks me a questions, she gives me a look like, yeah, I know it's silly. Answer it anyway.
Thanks, Susi! I really didn't think I'd be able to do this, but I'm ahead of what I knew I'd need to do to meet the goal. And now it's pretty much habit!
[…] let me open this week with a lovely picture of myself after running at the track. That’ll be….lovely. (Can we say “only took one picture?!”) Oh look, there’s my gigantic […]