Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!
Some moms will bundle up their kids and haul them all out after a storm, to get out of the house and do something.
I am not one of those moms.
We are currently on snow day #3, and it looks like the big two may not go to school tomorrow either, if it keeps snowing like it is.
I don’t have a lot to say about this. Especially since the baby woke me up at 2:00 am and then tossed and turned in my bed until 5:11 am when the school called and officially canceled for the day. It’s now 10:51 am and I haven’t quite finished my coffee yet.
So. I’ll share pictures. Because when the kids DO go outside to play in a foot of snow, it makes for some pretty good pictures. (Although, I was having camera issues so they’re not the best).
The girls are little snow bunnies, much more so than the boys. We all went out on Sunday to play and those two stayed out for at least an hour and a half.
These are about half phone pictures, half DSLR pictures.
These were from Thursday, when even my husband was off work because of all the snow. The drifts were kind of insane, as were the birds in the field behind out house. Only the girls and I went out that day.
On Sunday, all six of us went out, but like I said, the girls stayed out the longest (by far). Erv got to go out for the first time this winter. I’m not sure if he enjoyed it or not, but hubs said he didn’t want to come inside, so he must have.
Side note: Am I the only one that dresses their kids in footie pajamas to play in the snow? Erv is the only one with a snowsuit (that I can find), and footies always seem the warmest…at least on ankles.
Thankfully, the girls have been obsessed with playing dolls together, so Henry is the only one that has been really bored this past week.
What do you do when you and your kids are stuck inside?

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I'm truly in awe of that much snow. I know, I'm like a broken record.
That last shot cracked me up for some reason. And I love the footie p.j.s – I think that is a great idea!
Oh, it cracked me up, too! So funny. And the pjs really are great…it sure beats trying to find (and wash) a ton of warm clothes!
How fun! You really have been getting a lot of snow lately. I love playing-in-the-snow pictures. We like to go outside on snow day as long as it's not snowing and blowing. If it is, we stay inside.
Oh, I know. Yesterday I was SO tired after being up all night, and we got up to crazy wind and blowing snow. It settled down a lot in the afternoon, but it didn't even occur to me to send them out. I guess that's what sleep deprivation will do!
I love the snow angel pictures! Those are great! I hate snow and from your tone via Facebook, etc you seem to dislike it too;) But considering I live in MA I can't escape it and my daughter loves to play in it. I picked her up at preschool today soaking wet in her snow gear and as soon as we got home she wanted to go back outside! So of course that meant me too. I can't keep taking pictures of her in the yard in her same snow suit and hat. Boring! Your pj idea sounds better;)
Haha, I know what you mean about taking the same pictures over and over! It's like that with swimming pictures in the summer, too. I don't hate snow, exactly….I just don't like having to go anywhere in it. Bundling up the kids to get to the car, then unbundling them to buckle in, then driving in it and doing it all over again. But I'm also not a fan of being stuck in the house for a week either!
So much cuteness! I love the "snow cone" shot!
Haha, thanks! The girls enjoyed their "treats". I asked them if they wanted to make snow ice cream and they were more interested in plain snow. Snort.
Oh I love it and I'm a little jealous. Actually, I only want 1 snow day. After that, I can't take the laundry!
Yeah, one snow day is awesome. Four? Not so much. I'm lucky that my kids don't wear clothes in the house, and usually only go outside to play in the snow once a day. So other than the fact that I have no motivation to do the laundry that's already dirty, they don't add *too* much to it.
I'm so jealous!
Says she of the tropical weather.
Anytime you want to visit, I'll lend you a hat and gloves!
We haven't had a playable amount of snow here, just enough snow to be annoying. Looks like lots of fun.
It is fun…for a while. Ha!
I love the one with Essie (I believe) in the chair! Great pictures!
Haha, yes, that's Essie! I made her sit in it because I have a picture just like it from the summer. I thought it was funny that she didn't have to climb into it, the snow was so high!
OMG they are ADORABLE!!! Looks like they are having so much fun!! My son loves snow, but we only got an inch or 2 this year.
Thanks! Yeah, the girls have a LOT of fun. Henry does for a while, but he'd rather be inside most of the time.
Oh my gosh, they all look so cute playing in the snow! My son hates the snow so we pretty much stay stuck inside. We try to pass the time by playing with things like blocks and finger paints. ~Xiomara of Equis Place
Aw! I don't blame him….I don't like to stay out very long either.
Very cute… that is a HUGE amount of snow compared to what we are use to around here
Thanks! Yeah, we haven't had this much snow in a few years….it was a shock.
So cute, I decided to join in =]
Yay, I'm glad you did!
Me too!
Love those little pjs in the the snow.
We just got a huge dump of snow last night and it's a mess out side. My daughter LOVES it. I don't mind it but I can't stay out there nearly as long as she can
I'm SO glad that my three older kids can go outside by themselves and I can watch them from the windows. It makes a gigantic difference!!
These are some awesome pictures – I can't even imagine having that much snow! When we're stuck inside, we start cleaning. It actually works to our advantage.
Oh, I wish that were the case here, Lydia. I do the opposite…I think I go into chore hibernation, because I don't have the energy to do ANY cleaning!
I am also not a snow bunny by any means but do occasionally let the kids drag me out there. They love it so much! We do feetie jams underneath snow pants
I really need to get some snow pants or overall thingies for them….we had some somewhere but it's been so long since we've used them that I can't remember where they are! I need to find some on clearance in a month or so, for next winter.
I love your snow pictures – that last one with Erv laying off to the side just cracks me up for real. And I think it's smart that you have them wear footie pajamas – I never even thought to do that. Of course we also rarely get any snow, so I haven't had to be creative.
Yeah, I definitely have to get creative since I lost the other snow get-ups and haven't bought any more! We just get this much snow so rarely (it's only snowed, like four times this winter, and twice it melted right away) that I haven't thought about it.
Erv was SO funny in the snow. He laid like that for a good five minutes and then sat up and started playing again.
Love snow days, great pics!
Thanks! I love snow days, too…in moderation.
We only get snow days once in a blue moon here. All someone has to do is say "snow" and the entire state of TN flips out. Beautiful pictures. I think Footie Pajamas rock as snow gear. I think I would have been curled in a closet crying for my Mommy if I'd had that many days of snow.
I almost did. Curl up in a closet, that is. I lived in AR for several years, and we had a huge storm while I was in college. People just parked their cars in the middle of the hilly streets and left them for, like, three days.
As a Texan and southerner now for 14+ years, these pictures of snow make me happy (since I don't have to shovel it) – ha ha!
HA! Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one that shovels around here, and you know I do the bare minimum!!
I'm soooo glad to see your little ones sitll in their jammies! That's how this momma rolls!
Yay, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I hate the winter, the cold, the snow, and everything that comes with it. My three youngest have never even been out in the snow to play in. Ever. Partly because I hate it, but we haven't had a snowstorm here in three years (I hope I didn't just jinx myself).
When I read your comment, that surprised me, that you haven't gotten snow in NJ lately. But, I'm also VERY bad at geography, so there's that.
I'll be sending non-snowy thoughts your way (but I do need to keep some here, obviously).
Gosh, snow is soooooo foreign to me. I look at all your pictures in awe because I cannot imagine living where it snows. Thought you might find it funny that I dress my kids in footies for the beach- like when we have a beach bonfire. Keeps them warm and the sand out of nooks and crannies
That makes perfect sense! I don't know what I would do without the four seasons. I mean, I'm sure I would LOVE living where you do, but I grew up here. It's hard to imagine anything else!
Using footie pajamas to play in the snow is kind of genius! Looks like you had a lot of. Personally I enjoy about one good snow a year and then I'm over it.
ME TOO. We still have a lot of it, but hopefully it'll start melting soon. (one can hope)
FOOTIE PAJAMAS!! BRILLIANT!! We live a few hours south of you, and juuuuuust missed out on any real snow – just enough to cancel night school for one night. Have to say, I got my fair share in Chicago and DON'T miss THAT a bit. The Little Scientist wasn't convinced it was worth getting excited and bundled up for – kept giving me the "are you effing kidding me about this mom?" look.
Haha, I don't blame him! That's exactly what I was thinking, too.
Sigh. Now that it's March I'm pretty sure we're not getting any snow here in the lowlands this winter. Looks like your kids enjoyed it!
Love these shots. So very different from what I see day in and out. It looks like the kids enjoyed themselves. I was going to link up today but of course I'm too late. Story of my life lately. Time is running away from me… ugh.
[…] was the day we all played in the snow (some of us longer than […]
[…] all of that snow that had the kids home for the better part of two weeks? Well, apparently, it’s now March 5 and […]