I’m not sure how it happened, but all of the sudden, we’ve moved on to the next month in the year. I’m still writing 2012.
Jan. 27
This is apparently the only picture I took on Sunday. It must have been a pretty uneventful day. If you saw it on Instagram, you know it looked different…I cropped out H.’s underwear this time. Anyway, hubs bought Minecraft for the computer, and they’re all pretty obsessed with it.
Jan. 28
Tuesday was park day, and it pretty much wore both of them out. Essie has been taking a nap almost every day for, like, a week. And then she stays up late, wakes up early, takes a nap. Vicious cycle.
Jan. 29
Erv is already starting to be tech savvy. He knows exactly how to open my laptop and start changing settings (he made the screen display go sideways one day, and I don’t even know why that’s an OPTION on a laptop), so I can’t leave it out, alone, for any amount of time. Even to pee. When he gets whiny that I’ve taken it away, I give him my tablet with the removable keyboard attached. He calls it a “puter”.
Jan. 30
Jan. 31
During “Kansas Week”, parents and other relatives are invited to eat lunch with the kids at school. I was supposed to go on Wednesday to eat with Ivy, and Thursday with Henry. Because of the snow day, though, I had to combine the two, and Henry ate lunch with me and the kindergartners. He said he didn’t really want to, but I think he thought he was big stuff. And I saw a little first grader giving him googly eyes from the other side of the lunch room (he didn’t notice).
Feb. 1
My dad normally comes over each weekday morning and stays with the little two while I drive the big two to school. Well, he had somewhere to be on Friday, so I was on my own. Which was fine…it just makes me appreciate the days that I DON’T Have to load up all the kids even more. Especially when it’s two degrees outside at 7:30 am.
Also, this picture.
Feb. 2
I spent the day alone, buying groceries. I went to five places in about 3 and a half hours (plus driving time) and EVERYONE else was out, too. That’s what happens when it’s a nice Saturday before the Super Bowl, I guess. I’m exhausted.
And then after supper, I gave the boys a bath. I wrapped Erv up in the towel and then he sat down. I asked what he was doing, and he said “poop”. I pretty much said “Oh, no you didn’t! Did you PEE?” Oh yes, he did. Can’t be mad at that face, though.
Ok, cat hugging is so awesomely adorable.
Also, Erv in pee towel.
Haha, they're both pretty cute. And it's a good thing.