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I just put my three and a half year old on the preschool list for fall yesterday.
I’ve done it twice before, so it seems like it should be easier. And in a lot of ways, it is. I know what to expect (mostly, although my mom brain fog has allowed some memories of the process to slip out).
I do know that my little girl, who’ll turn four in July, will change so much in the next seven months. That the firecracker that drives me completely mad some days will still surely be a firecracker, but her skills and her vocabulary and her mannerisms may be completely different come August.
When she does start preschool, it really won’t make much of a difference for me. It’s only three hours a day, and I’ll still never be alone with the littlest man here all of the time. But it will make a huge difference for her, I know that.
I just hope her teacher is ready…
Have you sent kids off to school yet? Does it get easier for you?

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I'm in! This is fun.
Yay! Thanks for joining us!
I have only sent one to school so far. Still another year and a half with my youngest, unless we enroll him in preschool in the fall. (That would only be a couple of hours a few days a week.) I get a lump in my throat when I think of both of them being gone all day, but I know that he will be ready.
Being all by myself all day seems SO far away that I can't even imagine what it'll be like!
Gets easier with each kid. By this point I'm like "You need a RIDE? Ugh" and rolling my eyes. J/K. But it does get easier. My littlest is finally in preschool.
I think when the baby goes to school, it'll be tough for me. I mean, he's almost two and I still call him the baby.
And it doesn't help when they cry when you drop them off, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen in August.
The way you describe her I'm sure she's going to love it and thrive. She's such a cutie! Yay for pre-school!
She's going to push over anybody that tells her otherwise.
Preschool is so much fun, and I know she'll love it.
Sylvia went to preschool for the first time this year. She is a bit younger than your daughter. She will turn 4 in October. To this day she still says she is going to miss me before I leave her in class. It makes me sad. But then when I pick her up and see how happy she is and the hug I get, all my fears disappear! Good luck Mama!
My kindergartner still cries when I leave her classroom (if I've gone to volunteer or something)! It's such a tough transition, but so good for them. I think she'll be ready by August, and I know she'll love it.
Having sent my youngest to kindergarten this year was so bittersweet. It's awesome having so much time to myself, yet so strange not to have any little ones in the house. Enjoy it, it goes fast.
It seems like SO long until I will be alone during the day. Two and a half years? But the time I get with each of them as their older brother and sisters go to school is pretty special. The house will be a lot quieter with just me and the baby (though, he is a squeaker).
She's just so cute, Greta. So, so cute. I haven't found it's been any easier to send each kid to school. I can't even imagine sending Brinky! I think I'll worry the most about sending him because he's stayed home. With my girls it was more like the next step after daycare. I'd kind of just like to keep one of them little
She is pretty cute, isn't she? It's going to be hard for me to send Erv. I know that for sure. But, I've still got two and a half years before I have to worry about that!
I have gone through the same question of signing my son up for preschool in the fall. It hurts my heart, I won't lie. It feels like time just slipped right through my fingers.
She will still be your little firecracker, I'm sure!
I know she's ready, it'll just be so quiet around here! (With a squeaky two year old. HA!)
Sigh…. this will be coming for us soon enough… Our daughter turns three in April.
And then?
The count down begins.
I'm not ready.
She is.
hold me.
It is hard to send your first/only/oldest! I had a tough time with Henry, and then Ivy cried and was so shy for a while, too. I hope Essie doesn't get too emotional about it, but right now, at three, she is NOTHING BUT EMOTIONAL.
Awww, why do they grow up so fast?
She'll still be the essence of who she is, and she'll be loved at school. Who can resist her?
Oh, she's Miss Personality! Hard-headed like her parents.
Everybody does love her, though….she charms them somehow!
I'm filling out paperwork for Ash to go to middle school next fall. It is freaking me out!!!
And she will definitely keep her teacher on her toes!
Ack! Middle School?? I can't even think about that!
It's funny because there's one preschool teacher and she had the big two, who were so sweet and quiet back then. And next she'll get Essie, the tornado.
NOt there quite yet but I honestly will be crying tears when it happens. MY BABY!!!! I bet she'll love being around other kids and hopefully her teacher will appreciate the spunk
Oh, I cried when I dropped Henry off. And he was telling me not to leave, which made it so much worse!!
Signed Dylan up, and I was starting to get really excited, in a way that I'll have time to myself next year. But A is going to full day kindergarten, and I had a little breakdown about that yesterday
I can't imagine what time to myself will be like…that seems so far away! But oh my gosh, I can't even think about sending the baby off to school. Ivy started all day school this year, and that was pretty tough, for both of us. But she loves it now.
My youngest is officially starting preschool in the fall (but may go early if I find that part time job I'm looking for). Since she's the baby I have some issues with the whole thing-no more babies at home.
I can't even fathom what it'll be like with no kids at home! It'll be so nice to have time to myself, but he's my BABY!
Oh preschool! I still have another year before I can sign mine up, unless I want to pay for preschool for 2 years. I don't know what I'm going to do when I sign him up
We don't have the option of sending ours any earlier (to our school district anyway) and I don't think I would even if I could. They're just so little!
She's adorable. Starting preschool was harder on me than it was on my daughter, I think. And now we're staring down kindergarten. ::: gulp :::
I know how you feel!! Next year, I'll have one in 2nd grade, 1st grade, and preschool with one at home. The combination might just do me in!! (Thanks for joining us!)
I am super pregnant, and super hormonally emotional, and posts about sending precious little princess off to preschool make me go "waaaaa…."
Man, we survive pregnancy and birth and those first few years and then we gotta send 'em on out into the big, wide world…what gives, here?!!
In a good way
I completely understand, Sarah! My babies in the big wide world still scares the crap out of me. Not sure it ever won't!