My Facebook timeline this winter has been full of YUCK. Sick kids, sick parents, flus that Will. Not. End.
I was sure I was going to get it, too. My girls had a hacking cough for WEEKS, and the oldest girl is still not done with the sneezing and nose-blowing. My husband was on his death-bed last weekend (or at least, it sure sounded like it, with all of the moaning).
Aside: why do husbands come down with the worst sicknesses on the weekends?
I ended up with about two and a half days of congestion that made it hard to sleep at night. That was it. No hacking cough, no fever, no moaning on the couch.
I can’t be totally sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s because of the 30-Day Challenge I was given the opportunity to take part in. One EpiCor supplement a day, and I had the joy of taking care of the little (and big) sickies without actually getting really sick myself.
Epicor is an nutritional supplement that supports the immune system. I’m not a doctor, but you can check out all of the details on their website (including ingredients and where to buy) and learn about how to keep the sickness away in this article by Moms Everyday.
Or, check out the video, which breaks it down:
All you really need to know, though, is that it’s all-natural, gluten free, and taken once a day to help put your immune system armor on against all the little (or big), snotty people in your house (or office or grocery store).
And because I love you guys and want YOU to stay healthy, I’m giving away FIVE CASES of the immune-boosting drink FRS Healthy Defense, which contains Epicor, the amazing stuff that helped me stay healthy, as well as vitamins, natural extracts, calcium and other good stuff and comes in two different flavors (Pomegranate Blueberry and Citrus Pomegranate). Each case is worth $30.99 retail, so the prize is worth $154.95!
Want to win? The giveaway will last through next Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 11:59 PM (central time).
I was given two months’ worth of EpiCor supplements to try and review, but I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own, as always.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks to everyone who entered! The winner was chosen via, and it was #11 Audrey N. Congrats, Audrey!
Awesome! I'm all for kicking these germs to the curb! This winter has been brutal on us. So many runs to the doctor and the pharmacy!
Love the new site design! Did you do it yourself?? Who took the amazing photo?
With the bunch in this house staying well is hard. 4 guys who go and do and pack it all back home to me.. I NEED this in the worst way
Love this, girl!
Glad something is working with all the sickies around! And men are worse then children when they get sick! A tiny cold and you would think they are dying from a flesh eating bacteria!
Uh yes please. I've gotten everything like has gotten for months. It's super annoying and then Kelsey gets it and I want to punch him. So in conclusion, I'd love to try it!
Can you send it to me NOW? I'm getting a cold as we speak.
At least one person in my house was sick all Decenber long. I really want to hibernate away from all the other people in the world!!
[…] think it may have been because last weekend, hubs was sick, so he was out of commission ALL WEEKEND (that is, after he came home from working Saturday […]
I def could use some of this!!
Wow glad you didn't get sick! I'm battling a stomach bug that my kids got over in their usual record time.
Love this! What a perfect time of the year for this giveaway. I'll be tweeting it next.
Um, BTW, I love what you've done to the place!! Nice redesign.
Thanks, Tonya! I love it too!
So far we've escaped the major sickness here but all around us people have been dropping like flies. I like the supplements that boost your immune system. It kinda takes care of everything else. So this sounds pretty interesting and great.
W have all been hit at least once with some kind of bug
Not the flu so much as some sort of virus.
No flu, but the big girl and the husband (UGH) have had a cold for the past week.
We had the flu over Christmas
Knock on wood but we have been fairly healthy until this week.
So far only I was hbit with the flu and I was hit hard… along with bronchitis!
Considering that half of my kid's preschool is out with something or other, I'll try anything!
I would love to have something to help w. the sickies!! I am so over getting sick & my kidlets seem to bring home every germ from school!!
thank goodness no
The little guy and I aren't feeling so hot. Keeping our fingers crossed for a minor cold that passes quickly.