If last week chased a raging bull into the weekend, this week was dragged by a pregnant heifer across the field. Suh-LOW.
I think it may have been because last weekend, hubs was sick, so he was out of commission ALL WEEKEND (that is, after he came home from working Saturday morning). I didn’t get a break. At all. So, I’m pretty sure it caught up with me this week and I am SO glad, I’m getting out of the house to meet a blogger friend on Sunday!
Jan. 13
Sunday it was go-go-go, all day long (just for me, though. Other adults in the house were too sick to get off the couch), trying to get things done. Including school lunches for the week. Since we found out that Ivy has an intolerance to gluten, everything I’ve sent to school with them has been gluten free. And let me tell you, even though I only have enough containers to pack for lunches up to Thursday, it still makes a big difference during the week to have them done and ready.
Jan. 14
Being around his big brother and sisters has made Erv infinitely interested in the games (like Minecraft and the other apps we have for the kids). He knows how to swipe the screen, start stuff up. He says “dame!” when he sees a phone or tablet. Once in a while, Essie will help him. But you know, she has a lot of other stuff she needs to be doing, most of the time.
Jan. 15
Tuesday was my mom’s birthday! It was also the day that I got the morning to myself while my dad watched the kids, so I could run errands. And eat Chipotle. And get my eyebrows waxed. By myself.
Jan. 16
Henry FINALLY lost the front tooth that he’s been jiggling for WEEKS. I’d been trying to pull it out myself, because he was always messing with it and it was bugging me. When they got off the bus on Wednesday, though, the big two both were yelling that the tooth was out. Apparently, he took it out himself on the bus,
Jan. 17
Here’s a super goofy picture that I took of myself, to show that I was sweaty from running three miles on the treadmill and that I didn’t, in fact, accidentally dye my hair black with the boxed hair dye. Of course, I used the picture in which the sun is covering up half of my goofy face so you can’t really see my hair. But, my eyebrows look good!
Jan. 18
Erv has been saying so many words lately. One of his favorites (oy) is “taste” as in, “give me a taste of whatever it is that you’re enjoying right now, mama. I don’t care that you’re trying to eat/drink in peace. Peace? What IS that anyway?” Like during lunch, he had a delicious (if I do say so myself) grilled turkey and cheese sandwich that he hardly touched, and lots of “tastes” of my chicken chili.
Jan. 19
My mom threw herself a birthday party, which, I mean, come on. We should ALL be doing! Anyway, it was at a local community center, which was big and roomy and open and perfect for the kids to start running in as we walked in the door and not stop until we left. The day started with me crying over the baked goods I was in charge of, and ended with Project Runway All Stars and some fun pictures.
Oh that last pic is AWESOME and I am in love with your goofy grin and dedication to organized lunches. I am so the mom freaking out and throwing things into a sack the morning of. So shameful. Hmm, what else? Chipotle is heaven and YAY for lost teeth!!!
PS: Meeting Erin Margolin??? THAT is so awesome!
Looks like a fun party! I, too, am admiring your organized lunches – I feel great if I get it packed and ready the night before. It does make the mornings smoother around here.
I am soo sad to live in a town without Chipotle. Great party pictures! Your organized lunches are inspired, and I am totally stealing that idea when I get to the lunch packing age with my girls.
Yay, you're meeting Erin, so awesome, have fun!
Love the girls' outfits, they're so cute.
Busy week=busy mommy. Glad you got some alone time in. Enjoy your meeting with Erin. I love meeting bloggy friends IRL it's been so much fun!!!
So not fair I want to meet Erin.. stomps foot. My husband has been sick all week as well, kids with gall bladder issues. Oh losing the first tooth is the big day, you are the stuff then, especially if you pulled it yourself. My youngest would work with his teeth the second he found it loose..
I would love an hour to get my eyebrows done, I'm starting to look a little scary.
[…] mentioned that we went to my mom’s birthday party this past weekend. While we were managing the chaos (ie getting ready to load up and go), Ivy came […]
(Can you tell I'm catching up on all my commenting in one day?)
Can I say I'm just so impressed with those packed lunches?? How do you do that? Ha. I don't pack my kids' lunches. If they want to bring lunch instead of eating school lunch, they have to pack it themselves. Jenny does, every day. Of course I like to think I would be nice and help out if we had to pack gluten free lunches and if they were younger