So, if you like my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen my running updates. And if you remember my goals for the year, you’ll know that one of them is to run 500 miles in 2013.
I was all “I can do that! That’s not much more than 365!” and then I started thinking about it , and it turned into “wow, 500. That’s, like, 10 miles a week. That’s almost 2 miles a day. YIKES.”
But, so far, I have run 20 miles in 13 days. Less than two weeks and I’m still on top of it! I’m not just running 2 miles each time….every couple of days I’ll run 3, which helps me keep up with my goal.
But you know what’s really exciting? When I got on the treadmill yesterday, I didn’t want to stop at 2 miles, because I was feeling good, I could keep going. But I didn’t want to stop at 3 miles, because that would put me at 19 miles total so far, and well, that’s just not even or acceptable in my brain. So I just kept going until I hit 4 miles and 20 total! It was the first time I’d ever run more than 3.1 miles (and that has only happened a couple of times since I started running). I was pretty excited (as you know, if you saw my status update).
There are some days when it takes all I’ve got to run two miles, and on those days, I have to stop and walk every once in a while. So I know that I won’t be able to run three or four miles every day now. BUT, I DO know that I CAN do it! It is possible and that is super exciting!
I also committed myself to run 13 5Ks in 2013. Whew. I did 7 last year, and most of those were at the end of the year, so I know I can do one a month (with a couple of extras thrown in). I’ve registered for five virtual races (including one with Team Mamavation!) and one “real” race in April. So, I’ve got six through June, which is a good start. If anybody local (or not, for the virtual races) wants to join me, it’s always more fun to do them together!
Oh, and I think I’ve lost those couple of pounds I put on over the holidays. Woo!
This post is sponsored by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway
Good for you Greta! I wish I had your motivation! How did you push yourself to start? I used to run all the time 5+ years ago. Right now I am just a lazy sack of mush!
Oh gosh, Kelly. Motivation is the hardest part for me. But once I get started, and have a goal in mind, I generally keep up with it!
That is awesome and so inspiring that you have already done so much in just a few days. I have yet to get back into running and I miss it and know I want to do it but I'm struggling with the weather and my own motivation.
I'm on a good roll, Julia…hopefully I can keep it up! I do almost all of my running inside on the treadmill, so it doesn't matter what the weather is doing outside.
That's so awesome, and I think it's a great goal. You can totally do it!
And virtual races? Tell me more! Never heard of this but I would totally do that.
Yes, the virtual races are awesome! There are free ones at (and other sites, I'm sure), but I've signed up for several here:…
They may not be as exciting, but you just sign up and you can run anywhere, then log your time in when you're done (and still get your t-shirt).:)
Good for you! I'm so proud of you!!! I can feel your joy and pride beaming through in this post.
Talk to me about these virtual races. I want in!
Thanks, Kimberly! I know you're kicking butt, too!
The virtual races that I've signed up for are from these two sites:… and (the second one has free events, but the first one gets you the shirts). I like doing the regular ones with other people, but these virtual races are great for the cold weather (or super hot weather), and I can just run them wherever. Let me know if you sign up for any!
Go you, you're totally rocking this!
Thanks, Alison!!
I remember when you started too. It's such a journey isn't it. I ran my very first over 3 miles this weekend too. I totally need run more races. Races keep you motivated. I would love LOVE to hear more about these virtual races too!!
This is really inspiring!
I hope I don't screw it up! I feel so much better these days, though, than I did last year, 50 pounds heavier!
Congratulations!!! This is EXCELLENT!
You're an inspiration!
Thanks, Leighann!!
Absolutely, they keep me motivated! I just signed up for one in a week and a half here:, and the other virtual runs, I signed up here:… . That way, it'll be easy to get 13 in throughout the year, because I can do them at home, or the track, or gym, or wherever. Plus, I love getting the shirts.
Good job, you!
Wow, good work girl!! Keep it up!
Thanks, Rebecca! I'm on a roll!
I am so proud of you! You will meet this goal and you will blow it out of the water!
Thank you, Jenn! You're an amazing cheerleader!
Crap, i should have read this fifteen minutes ago before eating two bowls of cereal i didn't need …
Bahaha, Nicole! If I looked like you, I wouldn't run either.
That is so amazing! Super proud of you!!!! I try so hard to run but my knees are bad. I was an avid runner back in the day. Of course I don't do the very simple exercises the dr. told me in order to strengthen so I may run again. You give me inspiration! Steve knows of an app for your phone that tracks your running. I'll ask him about it. He downloaded it for my friend who runs like 10 A DAY CRAZy and she loves it.hat is so amazing! Super proud of you!!!! I try so hard to run but my knees are bad. I was an avid runner back in the day. Of course I don't do the very simple exercises the dr. told me in order to strengthen so I may run again. You give me inspiration! Steve knows of an app for your phone that tracks your running. I'll ask him about it. He downloaded it for my friend who runs like 10 A DAY CRAZy and she loves it
That is so amazing! Super proud of you!!!! I try so hard to run but my knees are bad. I was an avid runner back in the day. Of course I don't do the very simple exercises the dr. told me in order to strengthen so I may run again. You give me inspiration! Steve knows of an app for your phone that tracks your running. I'll ask him about it. He downloaded it for my friend who runs like 10 A DAY CRAZy and she loves it. (it's Kerry from new2two. I always have the weirdest time logging in to leave comments- me I'm sure)
Thank you so much, Kerry! I never EVER thought I could run, even as a kid. I'm pretty proud of myself and how far I've come.
Great job on setting your goals. I love running and it is great to connect with other people who do to. Some days it is hard and I can;t push through very long, but then other days I feel lie I could just keep going. Way to go!!1
Thanks! I know…I have trouble being consistent, so I think I need to change up my schedule a little bit.
You are too much! I'm still working on UNFOLDING the treadmill and you're all "I'm going to run 500 miles this year."
What I mean is, I am so supportive and happy for you and ugh, I'm pretty sure I'm still wearing LAST YEAR'S holiday weight.
Aw, thanks, Marina! It's only because my treadmill is super easy to fold and unfold.
2 snaps and a bump for you! Way to go!
Thanks, Lisa!!
I've been watching your run updates and I am totally rooting for you! 500 miles is a huge goal! I am totally impressed, and you're doing awesome!
I ran a lot after my first baby. Actually – I ran a lot after my first baby and my two miscarriages. It became a coping mechanism for me. But I loved it. I tried to get back into it after my second baby, but found it really hard to keep up with both kids at home, one still breastfeeding and the weather getting colder and darker (I don't have a treadmill). I got a double jogging stroller for Christmas and just bought some winter running wear so I should be back running shortly. I'm excited to run some 5ks and 10Ks this year!
Thanks, Laura! It definitely helps to have people rooting for me!! I'm not sure if I could do it without a treadmill. Not where I live, and with the kids. Okay, maybe I could with a jogging stroller, but it's so much easier for me in the house. I am much more impressed by you!
You are doing great Greta. I love seeing your updates and those 3 and 4 mile runs are confidence boosters because you do know that you can do it. Love that you're doing 13 in 2013 too. So happy to cheer you on!
Thank you so much, Christine! I see your updates every day on IG and I'm in awe. I love the support!
I love this except that I am kind of jealous becauseI wish I had thought of the 500 miles thing first . Except I am Canadian so I would have to covert it into 765 kilometers or something, which doesn't sound cool even with a Scottish accent. Go Greta! I predict you will hit 500 well before year end.
Ha! Yeah, it doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but it does sound more impressive!!
Love the new header! Awesome job running. I love running–along with staying healthy and losing weight, it really helps with how crazy four kids can make you feel. The goal setting, training and running is empowering. I love how at the end of the day, my kids might not have listened to me, my house may not have been cleaned, but I finished those few miles and I feel proud. Keep running!
Thanks, Angela! Yes, that's exactly it…at least I ran three miles today, even if there wasn't a goddamn thing else I did. Seriously! And yes, it's also absolutely a stress-crazy-kid-reliever and completely empowering!
Holy running woman! You rock! I hope you're having an amazing week!
Awesome!!!! I know what you mean about some days taking everything you have to run. But you got this!! And good for you for the 13 5Ks! I'm still trying to figure out how many races I want to do this year.
Go girl! You will rock this. I want to set a goal for myself like this but I am afraid to even start. You give me hope!
Thanks, Brittany! I think setting the goal is the hardest part for me, because when I do, I'm determined to follow through! This is the biggest one EVER, though. Maybe you could start with a weekly or monthly goal.
[…] of today, I’m up to 63 total miles ran for the year (remember, my goal was to run 500 miles in 2013). I had expected to run about ten miles a week, so that means (through January, which had about […]
[…] you’ve been following along with my running goals for the year, and especially if you like my page on Facebook (if you don’t, you totally should), you know […]
awesome! I LOVE that feeling- that "I can do more and so I WILL DO MORE I WILL OWN THIS M.F." beware, it is addictive!
[…] here, she’s working on running 500 miles this year. She’s mastered a gluten-free lifestyle for herself and her family. Her birthday parties are […]
[…] run four of the thirteen 5Ks that I committed myself to running in […]
[…] anyway. I ran this morning, bringing my 2013 total to 165 miles. I’m looking forward to hitting 200 by the end of the month! And I’m not […]