Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!
You guys probably know that I started “running” this year (and by “running”, I mean “jogging very slowly”), and that my mom and I have been participating in various 5K “runs”.
We finished the last of the year on Saturday, the Ugly Sweater Run It was our seventh 5K (for 2012 and well, ever). It was a balmy 68 degrees, so the sweaters were, well….sweaty. Thankfully, we had vests to allow for some airflow through the armpit region. But, there were some AMAZINGLY ugly sweaters there.
Since it was such a beautiful day, we took the whole family and my dad along.

They brought in snow on trucks, that you could make snowballs out of to throw at the giant Santa. Check out the arm on my mom!
- We finished! Sweaty and tired, but done and happy.
- Then we walked downtown for another lunch/early supper. When did my daughter turn into a model??

Before we ate, we had to check out the super cool KNex display at the Toy Store next door to the restaurant.

This dude fell asleep on the way home, for the first time all day. And we put the hat on him and took a picture.
I love that my mom and I are going on this journey together, and that we’ve got our goals for 2013. Next year’s 5Ks, we’ll be slowly jogging your way!

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Good job! I really need some motivation to start exercising ASAP! How do you make the time to go n the treadmill with the kids?
I love the pics!!!
Thanks! You know, I can ONLY go on the treadmill if Erv is in bed. That means usually naptime (or bedtime if I have to). He can't be near the treadmill when it's on AT ALL. I could probably do an exercise video with him, but then I risk having him climb on me or whatever. Essie is easy….nap time is quiet time for her anyway, so she plays a game on my tablet or watches a movie.
Did you really have that sweater in your closet? Does it only come out for things like this? Or an Ugly Sweater Party?
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Don't discredit yourself! A run is a run no matter how slow or fast! That rocks that you get out there and do that esp with your MOM! I LOVE it!!! I love it much more than your sweater! haha
I don't know what that "sign in" is but it's kerry from new2two…..
Thanks, Kerry!! I do have to remember that I've come a long way and I'm not done yet!
So fun! That sweater vest you have on, IS ugly! Hehe.
Right?! You can borrow it.
She does look like such a little model! And you've made me feel like I could possibly actually manage a slow jog. So maybe next year I'll really try couch to 5k! I bet it's even cooler with your mom.
Slow jogging is better than no jogging, right?
I'm doing couch to 5K again to try to go from slow jog to slightly-less-slow jog. It's awesome!
It's awesome that you and your mom do this together. Wish my mom lived close enough to allow for something like this! Yay for ugly sweaters!
It is really fun. We used to just go walk together, forever ago. With this, though, you get the t-shirts.
Great photos! I want to get back into running but am afraid. I used to be obsessive about it and trained for half-marathons. I think 5 and 10Ks would be reasonable and fun goals. Maybe I'll get some new shoes.
They are so much fun! And new shoes are fun, too.
I daydream about someday doing a 10K or beyond, but that seems nearly impossible to me right now. I'll stick with 5Ks for a while.
What a great achievement!! Love that you're setting goals and reaching them. And the fact that you're doing it with your mom is even better. Inspiring.
It is way better…I don't know that I could do it by myself. Not in public anyway. And the races are so much more boring when you don't have somebody to talk to!
An Ugly Sweater run – So awesome!! Congrats to you and your Mom. What a wonderful thing to do together! Love that last shot…
Thanks! We're really enjoying ourselves, and pretty much addicted. I'm getting quite the collection of t-shirts!
Poor Boo Boo was worn out..:)
Cool! I'm really in awe of you and your 5k. I wish I had someone who wanted to run them with me. I especially love this run!
You just need to get somebody to start walking with you, then work your way up without them catching on.
It's fun, and healthy, and a great bonding thing to do together!
That is such a fun way to wrap up the year in running! I love that you are doing it with your mom too. My girls have a program called Girls on the Run at their school and I run with them too. It gives us time to talk without the world trying to interrupt.
I feel the same way about the "chatting time"…that's why I don't enjoy it very much when we get separated during a race. They just seem so much longer then. And yes, it was a perfect way to wrap up the year!
I think that it's great that you and your mom do all those 5k's together and how much fun is an ugly sweater run!!
It was SO much fun! Definitely festive and low pressure.
I think it is AWESOME that you are running with your mom. Also, I almost spit my wine out at this -> "It has ALL THE THINGS on it." Indeed it does.
ALL the things! And I was so sad to cover some of them up with my bib. I guess I'll have to wear it again. Snort!
That sweater vest is sexy. Rowr.
Isn't it? You can borrow it. It'd be WAY sexy.
Woot woot!! Happy running in 2013 – you rock!! And an ugly-Christmas sweater run? SO AWESOME. MIght inspire me to run. Might.
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