I was on Facebook yesterday (what’s new), when one of my friends, Evin (of Food Good Laundry Bad), mentioned that there was a group of women that work together and support each other in their weight loss and healthy living goals.
Now, you all know that I’ve been working hard on this lately, but that I’ve slipped off the wagon on the “healthy eating” part….and that I’ve maybe become lazy with the healthy lunches and dinners. I still exercise every day, but I’m still not in great shape (anybody remember me saying that I wondered if jogging would firm up my behind? It hasn’t…yet.). I haven’t gained any weight back, but I’m holding strong at 143 and square in that “overweight” category. SIGH.
That’s why I’d like to become a member of the #mamavation community. I need a kick in the (jiggly) butt to keep going, and I know that being surrounded (even virtually) by women on my side and cheering me on is exactly what I need.
Because while I can (apparently) rock the red lipstick, I’d also like to rock the firm behind (and arms and thighs). Ahem.
I'm so with you. I've seen that #mamavation hashtag but haven't ever explored it. Sounds like a great community to have on your side on your journey to a firm behind, or in my case, a stomach that doesn't make my kids ask "What's that, mama? Why does it look like that?"
I know, RIGHT?! It looks like that because of YOU, child.
I'd love to see how that works….I need some motivation too. I lost a lot of weight and now the holidays are here and I can't stop eating. Let me know if it starts working for you! I might get involved too.
PS LOVE that lipstick!
Ack. The holidays. Darn the food. Thanks, Amanda!
Bah. While I support you in any endeavor you choose, I still think that you look freaking fantastic just the way you are!
Thanks, MM. I just don't want all my parts and pieces to flap when I move, that's all.
From the running that I've seen you doing on IG I would say you are pretty motivated already but I know that it helps to have others support you.
And the red lipstick? Looks SASSY!
Thanks, Jess! I actually do have trouble staying motivated. Jamie from Chosen Chaos has helped a lot in that aspect. We'll see what happens!
You truly can rock the red lipstick. I look like a total tramp! I just need fishnet stockings with holes in them, no Ouidad to tame my curls and I would look just like Ke$ha!
This weight loss thing is a hard one. There's nothing like a group of like-minded people to help you through it. Good luck!
I think you look fantastic! Don't bee too hard on yourself. But that sounds like a great idea – supporting each other in your healthy choices. Let me know how it goes with the group – lol- and how you become a member.
If you have any questions about Mamavation I would be happy to answer them
You look fantastic and can pull of the red lipstick!
Welcome to to the group!
There are so many super awesome and supportive sistas, and the challenges keep me going! I'm sure you'll love it too. I look forward to getting to know you better, and you totally DO rock the red lipstick!