Oh my goodness, yaโ€™ll. Every one of these posts brings us that much closer to Christmas and the end of 2012. This post is only a handful of days from Thanksgiving! ACK!

Oh, but hey! I wrote a post this week that was a really fun way to let you get to know me better, and I added a linky so you can write your own and share them with everybody! Check out the Life In Numbers posts here.

Nov. 11

At 5:00pm on Sunday, I got the kids bundled up to go to the local high school track with my mom and I so the two of us could participate in the virtual 5K for World Run Day and the kids could burn some energy on their bikes. Unfortunately, it was 34 degrees outside and getting dark quickly. My mom made it one lap with Essie before Essie said she was too cold to go on (after saying she didnโ€™t want to ride her bike). I managed 1.5 miles before giving up from the guilt of everyone except Henry waiting in the car for me (he still wanted to ride). We loaded up, headed home, and finished the 3.1 miles on our respective treadmills.

Nov. 12

Ervin is now 20 months old and a HANDFUL. At this particular moment, he had grabbed the rocking chair that his big sister had left out, climbed on it and reached the gate. He then proceeded to open and close it, each time yelling โ€œMama!โ€ while I watched him from the kitchen and made dinner.

Nov. 13

My dad watched the little two while I went to get my hair done via Groupon (yay!). Then Ivy played photographer.

Nov. 14

I had some good second day hair and got โ€œdressed upโ€ (cute sweater! skinny jeans! boots!) for a morning out, so I asked Ivy to take my picture (shut up). I got photobombed by two kids and a dog.

Then before bed, Ervin grabbed an Oriental Trading catalog and starting โ€œreadingโ€ it. He flipped the pages, brought it in close to his eyes, chatted about what he saw. He even laid down on the couch with it at one point. I fell over from the extreme cute.

Nov. 15

Thursday turned into a day of errands. The day was far from perfect (taking these two to more than one place gets pretty exhausting, for all three of us), but the highlight was their serenades. Through two grocery stores, they harmonized songs like Old McDonald* and garnered a lot of attention. They were the grocery store crooners.

Nov. 16

Ivy had her Thanksgiving skit in kindergarten on Friday. She was one of the turkeys, and she was a fabulous turkey. Thereโ€™s a video but I canโ€™t get it off of the camera. Sigh.

Nov. 17

We spent the day in our pajamas doing absolutely nothing productive. I need a girlsโ€™ night in the worst way.

*Essieโ€™s version (because sheโ€™s a comedian):

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on that farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O

Everywhere, everywhere, bunny bunny bunny bunny.