Wait, WHAT?! That means there are only EIGHT weeks left in the ENTIRE year?!

This was an exciting week, you guys.

Oct. 28

Sunday was the Trick or Treating event at the local college. Also the day our beagle and our boy kitten apparently became best friends.

Oct. 29

The first day that Henry actually wore his tie shoes to school (he learned to tie them last Friday). I guess Erv thought he was pretty cool. (Side note: Erv has his lovey blanketsโ€“there are three and so far, theyโ€™re interchangeableโ€“ but he calls them โ€œBa-peeโ€. I think itโ€™s the cutest thing ever.)

Oct. 30

MADONNA! Mama Mash and I went to see the INCREDIBLE 50(something) year old live at the Sprint Center. She is QUITE the performer. And who knew that a woman 20 years our senior could dance her ass off for two straight hours? Certainly not me. Especially since Iโ€™m 32 and getting less than four hours of sleep that night almost killed me.

Oct. 31

Halloween! Somehow, I survived a day chock full of festivities and errands. Probably because my mom told me to buck up and stop being grumpy before we took the kids trick or treating. Also, Starbucks.

Nov. 1

Our 4th wedding anniversary. Iโ€™m so glad we got married so we could make this little man (along with a million other reasons).


Nov. 2

Early voting rocks.

Nov. 3

The Glow Run 5K! Once again, my mom and two sisters-in-law were a team. This time, there was music and GLOW STICKS!

This was right beforeโ€ฆ.we had about an hour to wait, and it was cold.

I finished in about 40 minutes, which was faster than Iโ€™ve ever done (about four minutes shaved off since the last one). The path was narrow, so I had to pass a lot of walkers along the way, and that took a lot out of me. I spent much of the second half walking myself and was actually gagging as I crossed the finish line.

The four of us got separatedโ€ฆ.well, my SILs kicked butt and stayed together, I was in the middle, and my mom brought up the rear. After crossing the finish line, I thought I might be stuck in the KU campus forever, because I couldnโ€™t find anyone and I was the only who had her cell phone with her (as in, not in the car I couldnโ€™t find). Eventually, my SIL got her phone and called me and we all found each other and went to celebrate our butt-kicking.

What kind of butt kicking did you do this week?