Megan is a regular #iPPPer and I’m so glad to have “met” her through the link-up and Twitter. Somehow, she makes math seem fun on her blog nerdmommathfun. And hilarious. Maybe because she pairs it with a toddler?
Check out her very first post, written just this past May. I agree with her…I think math should be fun for kids. All kids, but especially little girls, who might be preprogrammed or taught to think they can’t be good at it. So that’s why I love to see her posts about the activities she does with her adorable little now-two-year-old man. They inspire me to think of new things to do with my little ones, or to just copy what she’s done.
But did I mention she’s also funny?
Thanks for being here, Megan!
I like to think of myself as a pragmatist. A kind of “half-empty / half-full… Ahhh crap, it’s my turn to do the dishes, isn’t it?” gal. So when I spent my college years as a nanny AND was one of the last of my friends to jump on the baby-having train, I thought I had all the bases covered. Poop? No problem. Puking toddler? I’ll hold a bucket in one hand and eat a slice of pizza with the other. (WHAT? I was starving. Don’t judge.)
Admittedly, there have been a few variations to my saw-that-coming theme:
- Coming home from the hospital – I felt prepared for the jelly-belly-I-still-look-pregnant and sleepless nights and weird boob things. I was unprepared for how FREAKING painful the first two weeks would be after pushing that nine pound watermelon out. Really God? From one engineer to another – THAT was the best design you could come up with? Might I suggest a return to the drawing board on future models?
- Loss of all modesty – Having grown up in a big family, and done the aforementioned nanny-thing, using the bathroom alone was already one of those things that I read about in luxury magazines on airplanes. But having a nursing child that absolutely refused to eat under a cover, no matter how cute or lovingly embroidered? Yeah. I never expected to reach a stage where I would be more embarrassed for a stranger to see my stomach than my boobage. (In my defense, it was the very first time in my life I HAD boobage. Even if nursing exposure hadn’t been a factor, they might have made an appearance anyway – I was PROUD of those puppies!)
- Sleeplessness – Praise the baby Jaysus for a father who saw fit to pass to me his genetic ability to survive without sleep. Because, while I expected a few months of sleepless nights, our bundle of joy woke up every 2-3 hours for EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Yeah. Two magic words for you: ear tubes. I want to sign a waiver on any future children where they can pop those in the kids’ ears before they’ve cleared the birth canal. Woof.
But the biggest surprise?
How hilariously funny a kid can be. And I don’t mean the touching sunlight-beams-through-the-window Hallmark moments (though those happen too, honest!). I mean having a 2-year old that farts and points at daddy with creation’s most innocent expression. Or jumps off the couch holding a pillow on top of his head because I told him he could get hurt, so he wants to be careful. Or when he follows me around the house with a paper towel “helping” me clean, then gives me disapproving looks when my mirrors still have streaks.
Holy crap, I never expected to laugh this much, or this hard. I didn’t expect there to be funny.
But wow, am I glad there is.
Check out her blog, nerdmommathfun, then follow her on Twitter @nerdmommathfun.
lo oh this post killed me. i too babysat as a teen and thought i knew it all. hmmmph. but really, out of 4 kids, the only comedian is my boy who is 4 now. they're all too much fun, but he's fun and funny.
great post! thanks so much for sharing. p.s. i would suggest you have that cover built with some kinda ribbon to tie around your shoulders, apron -style, it may help avoid flashing in public
I became fed up and pinned mine to my tshirt sleeves on both sides. eh, it worked. wasnt cute, but it worked.
Maybe it's something to do with boys. They've gotta be funny to make up for the grey hairs they give us when they do things like JUMP OFF THE KITCHEN TABLE. I hadn't thought about the apron-style covers (although I remember seeing them) – great idea!! Vanita to the rescue
Looks like I'm NOT the early bird getting the worm – but THANKS so much for having me Greta. Love your blog… Can I be you when I grow up?
This is so hilariously true. I love the "from one engineer to another" and the pillow on the head. While trying to nurse my oldest son (that lasted only two weeks), I was so stressed from him being in the NICU and he wouldn't eat with me trying to have one boob covered that I took my whole shirt off and looked up and there was some hospital worker fixing a light right on the other side looking straight at me. No modesty…none at all. And the ear tubes…AMEN! Great read.
Thanks for the smile – hope you waved at that silly hospital worker *grin*. Can't imagine trying to feed a baby in the NICU – hell, can't imagine having a baby in the NICU, so BIG hugs and fist-bumps to you mama!
Oh yes. Modesty? Gone. Sleep? What is that? And these kids? So funny! It saves them on most days!
We always said that it was a good thing he was so FREAKING cute all those sleepless nights
Thanks for reading!!
This was so fun to read! I feel like I know another side of you now. I'm going to start using that farting and pointing trick by the way, so thanks.
Funny, I've been trying for years, and it never works for me. Think it takes those cute chubby cheeks to be convincing… (Thanks for reading *grin*)
Great, funny post, and so true! We just got to the place after 2 1/2 years where our son sleeps through the night, so what do we do? Decide having another one in a few months is a good idea. Not that I'm not excited to meet my little girl, but I am starting to wonder more and more what in the world was I thinking! Hopefully she will be a better sleeper than the first, he literally just about did me in!