Confession: sometimes I just don’t know what to do with the little two while their big brother and sister are in school. When we don’t have anything planned, or any place to go, we often don’t do much. I rarely load them up and take them somewhere….the furthest we usually go is the backyard.
But when we do make the effort to actually get dressed (Essie, the 3 year old, will stay in her underwear all day long if given the chance), I try to make the most of it.
On Wednesday, the three of us got dressed and loaded and went to a mom’s group/storytime. I’m going to be honest…I had gotten my hair done the day before and was feeling pretty fabulous. But the weekly group only lasts an hour, and we had nowhere to go afterwards.
It was chilly, and we weren’t all that prepared, but we stopped at a playground on the way home and played for a while. The giggles and sunshine made it all worth it.
Linking up with Jess and Natalie for Essence of Now and Galit and Alison for Memories Captured.
They look so happy! Seems like the perfect way to spend some time.
I totally do the same thing after a new hair cut or with a new favorite outfit! It makes me feel like getting out in the world. And then everyone feels better. I wish I forced myself to go out with my two more.
They are full of joy – love the pictures!
Thank you for sharing. Happiness…… Blessings.
I love it!!! I have always found that the detours are always the most fun! What a great day! Oh and your hair totally looked fabulous!!!
Cute pics. I love taking my girls to the playground and watch them have fun. My boy is not too interested in it anymore.
They are adorable x 2!
So much fun! I love the impromptu play opportunities.
Thanks for joining us!
Giggles and sunshine {and fabulous hair!} are always worth it!
Love it, girl!
Looks like a great day at the park!
I used to have a hard time figuring out things to do with my little one when her sister was at school. Especially in the winter when it was too cold to go to the park.
Ugh, I know. That's why I didn't mind that it was a *little* chilly. I know that before too long, it'll just be downright cold.
Sometimes the impromptu playground trips are the best!
Aren't they? Plans we make always seem to go awry, but spontaneous stuff hardly ever disappoints.
This post makes me feel guilty for not taking G out to a playground more often (or ever) because your little ones look so happy and the epitome of what childhood should be. I used to take T and B all the time because, like you said, I'm not much of a player and they had each other. She would spend all day with just a shirt and a diaper. I've GOT to start potty-training…another reason to not leave the house.
Looks like a fun day!
I'm thankful that my youngest is in school 5 days a week this year, so I don't have to feel bad about just wanting to stay home. It's only half days, but I justify it by thinking well, he was at school for half a day, he can be home the rest.