Look at that, it’s Saturday night and this post is done. Because I’ve literally been laying around for three days with nothing to do.
Oct. 21
The weather was beautiful and the kids had a Looong four day weekend, so we decided to finally go to the pumpkin patch.
Oct. 22
Another day off of school. We met MamaMash and Monkey for lunch and Target shopping.
Ivy wasn’t too sure about the mirror at CFA until I made myself look funny, too (this may be the only picture she hasn’t smiled for in MONTHS).
Oct. 23
Just blue eyes, great hair, and a macaroni beard.
Oct. 24
Oct 25
My dad took the little two after he drove the big two to school, so I got some alone/quiet/sleeping the pain off time. And then they came home, Erv went upstairs for a nap, and Essie used me as her personal trampoline.
Oct. 26
Then the kids had off of school again Friday, so I had to figure out how to keep them from going crazy (it was COLD outside, and I was still not feeling that great). So after breakfast, the girls did some glitter gluing, and Henry learned some shoe-tying. Then we snuggled and watched tv until Daddy came home early.
Oct. 27
Ivy was invited to a birthday party today for a little boy that she was in preschool with (and is now in the other kindergarten class). I didn’t want to go. Half of my face is still puffy and embarrassing, and I’m having one of those days where I nearly cry on the phone to my mom because I’m hungry and all I really want is good mashed potatoes and gravy. Or candy corn and peanuts, which I’m newly addicted to and can’t have for at least another week or something ridiculous like that. But anyway, I asked her if she wanted to go to the party and she did, so we went. It turned out to be fun, and I got some really good chili and ice cream, which made up for the missing mashed potatoes.
Ivy is in the middle with the pink and gray.
For someone who's been dealt with the wisdom tooth blow, you rock the mom thing. Seriously
Ice cream wins EVERY time.
Oh, Alison, you're too kind. For the most part, have not been rocking ANYTHING. But, I've done what I can.
Love these photos. Busy times for you!
Busier than I'd like this week!