Did you get phone pictures of your kids in their costumes, or trick-or-treating? Crazy pictures of storm damage (hope everybody’s okay!)? Show us what you’ve captured on your phone this week by linking up with #iPPP below!
Right now, Tuesday night, Mama Mash and I are waiting for the one and only MADONNA to take the stage. We promise to be back tomorrow to comment, share, and love on all of your fabulous posts!
Sunday night, my mom and I took the kids to a nearby college for a “safe” trick or treating event that the basketball teams were putting on. Now, we’re not in the path of the hurricane, by any stretch of the imagination, but it has been pretty chilly here lately. I think, at most, we’ll go to a few houses for trick or treating on Wednesday and that’ll be about it. I wanted to have one more excuse for the kids to get all dressed up and get some candy, just in case our “plans” fell through on Halloween night.
Of course, I had to dress up as well. Henry insisted. He is the vampire, I am the vampire bride, and the two are inseparable (or something). I’m pretty sure I was the only adult there dressed up and yeah I was a little embarrassed, but it made him happy so why not? (If you look closely, you can see that one side of my jaw is still swollen.)
It turned out to be fairly low key, and the kids enjoyed it. They got posters autographed by all the players, candy, and some other goodies.
The little two went with grandma to stand in line for a costume contest (which I totally think they should have won), while the big two sat with me and watched.
By the time we got home, though, Henry (the scaredy cat) had turned a little kid with a Scary Movie mask on that we saw in passing into a scary ghost with bleeding eyes. The imagination of that kid. I swear.
I personally hope that we get to trick or treat some more, because there’s not nearly enough candy for all of us. Especially since I need to hoard some to eat later when my chewing abilities return to normal.

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I think it's awfully sweet of you to dress up
Well, thanks, Alison. I spent too much money on that costume because it went so well with Henry's…I might as well get some use out of it!
I'm always too boring to dress up – you look awesome (I can't even detect the swollen jaw). And so much cuteness! I was so excited that Reagan got to wear her costume to school one day last week – getting our money's worth, too! We'll be heading out into the cold to trick or treat tonight.
By yesterday, Ivy was saying that she wanted to wear something else because she had already worn her costume twice. She said "I have to be a zookeeper for the real Halloween AND the fake Halloweens?" Ha! Yes, yes, you do.
ADORABLE! And a great idea. Any opportunity to get into costume more than just ON Halloween is awesome! We're not even going to talk about Madonna. I'm so….just….green with envy
It is awesome! And only one child complained (the 5yo). She was ready for a different costume by the time the actual Halloween rolled around. Ha!
Love that you dressed up Greta. Hope you are feeling okay now after your dental ordeal. I'm utting it off for as long as i can.
Happy Halloween. Hope you had a blast at the Madonna concert! 
My #ippp is at http://blog.susikleiman.com !!!
I am feeling better, thank you! I felt silly dressing up, but it made him happy, so I got over it.
Madonna was so much fun!
Oh, the cuteness!!! Love the kiddos in their costumes – and LOVE that you got dressed up too for H
(And randomly, I'm jealous of your hair-braiding ability – the girls look adorable!)
I am pretty good at hair braiding, even myself! I count that as one of my talents.
I thought the kids were so stinking cute this year. I still can't believe they were so eager to wear them…I picked them out on clearance in November last year! (Well, not Henry's…he totally chose his)
I can't even tell that your jaw is swollen! You guys look great!
Hope that you guys had fun at the Madonna concert!
Thanks, Jackie!! Yes, we did have a lot of fun. I still feel like I need a nap, though!
Cute pictures and you are such a good mom for dressing up. I was going to tonight, but had serious inertia problems. And can't WAIT to hear about Madge!
Thanks, Jamie! I hope you're feeling better. Madonna was pretty amazing!
I love to dress up with the kids! You looked AWESOME!!!
I had a lot of fun with it, thanks!
[…] was the Trick or Treating event at the local college. Also the day our beagle and our boy kitten apparently became best […]