Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!
My baby (FINE, TODDLER.) had the most luxurious, wavy, swoopy hair. You may have seen some of the pictures I’ve taken lately:
But it was getting a tiny bit out of control. When I gave him a bath a couple of nights ago, his hair reached his eyeballs. And the back was starting to verge on mullet. I think long hair is cute on every kid, but I have enough to worry about with the girls’ hair.
So, I cut it.
This wasn’t his first haircut, by any means. But the previous ones would be considered trims. This is definitely the shortest it’s been cut.
And he’s been talking more lately, too. He can say all of our names…Mama, Daddy, Eddie, Idy, Henny. He says “Hi” every time he walks into a room or holds a “phone” up to his ear. He says “Night night” and “Bye Bye”.
See? He’s practically ready for college.

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Aw! He's definitely getting to be the little man, isn't he? And a handsome one at that!
He really is! It's amazing how different he looks. Thank you, Cheryl!
They always look younger when their hair is longer don't they? He is just too cute.
They do…why is that?? Thanks, Julia!
Oh my heart! He's adorable!!
Thanks, Alison! I think so.
Oh, that last picture SLAYS me!! He looks so GROWN!!
I KNOW!!!! He's a whole different little man now!
hahahaha his facial expression on the trampoline is hysterical! I love it!
Isn't it?! It was so stinking hard to get a picture of him on the trampoline because he would not stop moving. That's what I ended up with. Ha!
That really was some gorgeous hair! He looks like a little man now. You know my guy has no hair still…people still think he's a baby…but they always comment on how BIG he is…well i'm sure he does look big..like a big, bald 1 year old
Hee hee! My Ivy didn't have hair for a long time either. And it seemed like even longer because it had to grow long to look "girly". He did have gorgeous hair, but I'm sure it'll be back soon enough!
It's so hard to go short with the boys! We're growing Monkey's out again, of course. I think with kids as gorgeous as these it doesnt matter if we shave their heads!
We do make gorgeous kids, don't we? Although, a bad haircut can really distract from an adorable face.
You did a great job cutting his hair! I'm so impressed. I was absolutely fired from cutting my son's hair. I feel bad when I look at pictures sometimes.
Such mixed feelings every time they get hair cuts. On one hand, it's so nice to see their beautiful faces. On the other, they look so much older.
Thanks, Christine! I have done some not-so-good cutting jobs, but they've always grown out quickly enough or could be fixed (or we got used to it?).
How is it that they look so much older? It's crazy how shorter hair can do that.
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I remember those first few haircuts. It's like they became little boys overnight. It's hard to do, but your little guy looks so cute.
Thank you, Jamie. It was a spur of the moment thing (I was NOT going to cut it, darn it!), but as soon as I saw it in his eyes, I decided to do it. Thankfully, it turned out okay!
Awww, he is so cute, as is the cut! Does he like it? My boys have curls and I think since everyone always comments on how gorgeous their curls are, I can't go too short and cut them off. Did once and was not too popular! And I don't want to either, but their hair can get completely out of control….it'll be cute when they're older and it's hanging out of their snowboard or skateboard helmets…I think that's adorable!
Oh, Jill, he wouldn't know if I shaved his head. He does, however, love the attention that he's gotten! He's still got some wave, and I know it'll grow back out faster than I think. And yes….skaters and snowboarders are absolute charmers!