Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!
My parents organize a Labor Day get-together every year. It’s a big deal for my immediate family, and for the last 15 years, we’ve never missed one. I was given unofficial photographer duties, and for a while Essie (3) took it upon herself to capture the festivities as well, with my phone camera.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.gfunkified.com" title="GFunkified"><img src="http://mamamash.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/ippp-polaroid-125-x-125.jpg" alt="GFunkified" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Your family is ridiculously adorable. Like, all of you. Except that Tyson guy, sometimes I want to smack him.
That is one. cute. picture. of your kids! Essie has a pretty nice view as well, though
I hope you had a great Labour Day!
Thanks! The two blondies are cousins….Essie of course, and my nephew. Cutie patooties, those two.
We did have a great Labor Day!
Awww I love this. Makes me think of that Jungle Book song, "Oh Oobee-doo! I wanna be like you-oo-oo"
Haha, I wouldn't be surprised….both of my girls love to take pictures!
I loved that top one, and the one of you getting caught is adorbs!
Hee hee, thanks! Essie and her cousin are so stinking cute together. They crack me up.
Very cool, I like children's perspectives
I do, too. I also have an extreme close up of her cousin's face, and a picture of her taking it. Ha!
So cute. I have a few shots like that too… My girls love taking pics with my phone.
Mine, too. Ivy has a kids' camera that she got for her birthday, and she loves to take pictures and do all of the funny things that it does (frames, mustaches, etc).
That is so cute! I think I look like you–with a camera stuck to my eye most days!
I love both pictures – and geez, you look great, Greta!
Aw, thanks, Katie! Her picture made me look especially tan.
Tan and thin
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Like mother, like daughter. I'm amazed by how my kids can manipulate all of our apple devices. So intuitive. Also, that place looks awesome. Hope everyone had a blast.
I love seeing the pics my kids take of me on my phone although usually it's just my feet or my hands they capture.
There were definitely some blurry/cut off/way too close up pictures, too, but I thought this one was pretty good! I don't think I've ever seen myself in the act of taking pictures like that.
Too cute. You know …my youngest really takes the best pictures. I'm never disappointed when I hand him the camera — with the strap around his neck of course. She maybe a budding photog.
Oh, very cool! I will say this…I'll be happy when somebody else can take over some of the photography duties. Although, I do enjoy it.
Wow… she's pretty good! My son likes to take pictures too but they're always of the ground or something. He needs to learn to hold it up more!
She may have been lucky on this shot…..she took A LOT of them!
[…] Day Blowout 2012 Posted on September 6, 2012 by Greta • 0 CommentsAs I mentioned before, we do Labor Day big in my family. Every year it’s different, but for the past 15 years, we’ve always done […]