Sometimes, when you’re three, you fall off the couch.
Or the bed. Or the chair.
Or run into a wall. Or the door.
And when you’re three, it hurts more than it should. Because when you’re three, things happen in FULL COLOR.
Things are DRAMATIC.
And sometimes, when you’re three and you fall off the couch, your mom doesn’t necessarily have the patience to talk you down off the ledge, so she turns on a movie and gives you some strawberry milk. It’s a magical combination.
But sometimes, when you’re three, your movie choices aren’t always popular with the entire family. Especially your impatient mom.
So, sometimes, your impatient mom makes the movie choice herself. And she chooses something that everyone likes to watch, including herself. Like The Lorax.
The Lorax is full of things that both mom and three year old enjoy, like gorgeously colorful backgrounds, adorable characters, and fantastic songs.
It also has things that mom especially appreciates, like a wonderful message of taking care of the planet.
Sometimes, mom may even like to watch it more than the kids. It’s possible.
Mommy Bear Media is a mom-owned company that specializes in good, clean family movies (even brand new ones, like The Lorax. I preordered it!). Shipping is ALWAYS FREE (!!) and super fast.
I am a Premiere Blogger with Mommy Bear Media, and chose a movie to review. I wasn’t compensated, but you know all the opinions are 100% mine.
Hey, a good movie and flavored milk makes ME feel better too
I know, right? Or a movie and ice cream? Or a movie and a margarita.
Aw, I miss the days of calming my little one with a movie and a treat.
Aw! I don't want to think about the fact that it won't work forever.
I had to calm my 10 year old with a movie last night. She missed her little sister so much while she was staying with my parents that she was either crying or pouting. I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder.
We haven't seen this yet, but maybe we will now!
You should! It's a good one.
Full color. I love that! She's so precious. You should just send her to spend a weekend with Aunt Julie. I will let her pick the movies and drink all the strawberry milk she wants.
Don't tempt me, sister!
I've so meant to get this movie. I love the picture of her, too cute!
Ugh, I know. It's a very good thing she's cute. That doll face gets her out of trouble more than I care to admit!
This was a great description of when you are three but could be said for 10 year old girls as well! I haven't seen The Lorax but want to. You've inspired me to go out and get it tomorrow.
Haha! And probably also teenagers! Did you get it? If so, did you like it? I love it!