This was a stressful week, to say the least.
Aug 19
It didn’t start out stressful. In fact, it started downright fun. In our house, all you need to do is crank up the music during dinner and you get this:
We actually have a REALLY awesome video of the rocking out that Henry did, but…the internet is forever, and he is in his underwear. I think I did share it on facebook, though, if we’re friends.
Aug 20
I was a bad mom after the first few days of school, because on Friday, I neglected to look in Henry’s backpack (where he had homework)….until Monday morning. As soon as he got home Monday, he did it. I love this picture, but I REALLY hate homework.
Aug 21
Another picture that I LOVE. Essie requested lip gloss right before we went outside to wait for Ivy’s bus. When we got outside, well…I saw how very bright it was. Pucker up, Buttercup.
Aug 22
Wednesday was our first day back at Mom’s Group after summer break, and I somehow managed to make it with the little two ON TIME. I also managed to take them to the small-town grocery store on the way home, as we were experiencing a human food shortage, and the vet, as we were having a diabetic-dog food shortage emergency. They were both excellent shoppers, but Essie is going to have to get used to storytime again…..she wasn’t happy to be left in the room (even with two of her cousins there and me just down the hall).
Also, Erv’s favorite spot has been on top of the dining room table lately. That afternoon, I neglected to put the chairs on top of it after the girls used the table for coloring, and found him like this, working on his first masterpiece:
Aug 23
Ivy performing a super serious cape dance,
and the girls playing a game together before bed.
Aug 24
The worst day of “Snake Week” (Hey, I have an idea! Look at images of snakes all day long and talk to people about how the one in your garage may or may not be a rattler!)(It wasn’t, thank God). Thankfully, my parents had invited us to go out to dinner (we love our local Godfather’s for gluten free pizza!) so we were able to get out of the house for a while. Afterwards, the big three weaseled their way into spending the night at grandma and grandpa’s house, so Erv got all kinds of attention from mama and daddy. He stayed up far too late snuggling and playing with us.
Aug 25
Saturday morning, before the big three came home, he was totally soaking in the attention again while he could. It’s tough being the baby. Ha!
Oh, I love the photos of your week, you!
{And I hate homework and love lip gloss, too!}
Isn't homework the worst? I love that my daughter does it happily. My son, not so much. It's a struggle every time!
Essie is gorgeous! So is Erv!
Eeek snakes!
Thanks, Alison! I think so, too. And YES. EEEEK.