August 5
I love this picture. I picked the big three up from their Nana and Papa’s house after breakfast, and we went out to lunch with my little brother and SIL before heading back home.
August 6
Another day of recuperating from travel and not much else.
August 7
This boy is BUSY. He rarely stops. I finally put my phone camera on sport mode so I could get a non-blurry picture.
August 8
I had to take my girl, Ella, to the vet on Wednesday afternoon. We found out that she, at only about 5 years old, has diabetes, liver problems, some kind of infection, and heart worms, She’s still at the vet, because they’ve been monitoring her to find out her proper insulin dosage. Hopefully, she’ll come home tomorrow (Monday).
August 9
This is the reason I’m typing on my tiny little, broken-but-still-functional netbook right now. I dropped my laptop and am waiting on a new screen that my husband (hopefully) will install for me.
Wish us all luck on that.
August 10
My niece’s birthday party. Ivy (and her grandma) found a snake and we had to bring it home. I’m not even sure if it’s still alive (it’s been hiding).
August 11
This was the last weekend before school starts again. We took my parents and met up with Julie and her Monkey and went to the Great Midwest Balloon Fest. It was very cool to see all of the hot air balloons up and lit up at the same time.
But, there’s something wrong with me that I let my kids’ and husband’s grumpiness ruin the whole thing for me. I still haven’t quite climbed out of the emotional hole I found myself in.
Sorry about Ella, your laptop and the general grumpiness
The balloons are so cool though!
The balloons were really cool! And hopefully, this week will be better.
The grumpiness gets to me too. I take it personally.
I can't believe school starts so soon! Is summer really almost over?
It's over for us already, school is back in session! Back to the grind. Thank goodness we have a three day week this week.
I have to figure out how to not take this stuff personally, because it's either that, or don't take my family anywhere… :/
Hot air balloon fairs are so fun to watch. We have one in Reno every year. Hope you get your computer fixed soon.
That picture of your computer monitor makes me so sad.
How is your sweet Ella?
But now it's fixed! Whew. Ella is doing better. Poor girl is on a strict diet and so skinny already….she always seems hungry. I want to just give her a big bowl of food.
[…] is that if you trip over the cord your computer doesn’t go crashing to the ground (like gfunkified’s did […]