Bruna of Bees With Honey is an elementary school teacher, wife of a handsome blonde, and mom of three gorgeous girls.

She does Mama Teach Us features that focus on some educational aspect of parenting like colors, numbers, shapes, etc. Itโ€™s a fantastic resource for parents (or guardians) looking for good ways to teach the little ones (I think itโ€™ll be great for me when Iโ€™m looking for things to do with the three year old during the day). Plus, she has a brand new blog for teachers and teacher-types, called A Savvy Teacher.

Bruna is an outdoor-loving, active woman, loyal friend, and amazingly hands-on mama. Sheโ€™s pretty, and funny, and a joy to know in this online world.

Welcome, Bruna!

Itโ€™s funny how when youโ€™re a kid growing up, you see the world one way and then when you become an adult; you view the world very differently.

Now I wear mommy shades and see a whole other world I never knew existed.

Sure I saw all of the hard work and effort my mom put into raising my sisters and I.
Sure I saw her grumpy and tired every now and then.
Sure she lost her patience with us when we would argue over toys, clothes or time in the bathroom.
Sure she never went out for dinner with my dad or to see a movie or spend any quality time together.
Sure she was always cleaning, cooking, washing, folding, organizing and managing

But โ€ฆ she made it all look easy.  At least thatโ€™s the way it seemed to me while wearing my kid glasses.

Not so easy when youโ€™re looking through mommy shades.

As a teenager, I always said that when I became a mother, I was going to be a kick-ass one. I was going to be cool, fun, laid back and stylish.  I was going to be a less grumpy mother than my mom. I was going to be the best mom ever.

Silly kid glasses! Oh how you distorted my perception of reality.

Once I was awarded my mommy shades, I learned the truth.

The Truth about Motherhood.

No one ever told me that once I became a mother โ€ฆ

I would never be able to do my business in the bathroom without an audience.

I would never sleep the same or get enough sleep again.

I would never have a moment to myself.

I would be sweeping the kitchen floor 100x a day, picking up toys 50x a day and washing dirty, stinky clothes every day.

I would be grumpy from lack of sleep and having to chase after kids all day long.

I would miss adult conversation.

I would have to schedule having a shower.

My stylish wardrobe would consist of t-shirts, yoga pants and my hair in a pony-tail.

A trip to the grocery store by myself would feel like winning the lottery.

But most of all, no one told me that once I became a mother โ€ฆ a simple little smile could melt my heart and bring a tear to my eye.

Bees With Honey
Follow Bruna on Twitter, her blog Bees With Honey, Facebook, Instagram (@BrunaMyers), and her other blog A Savvy Teacher.