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I’ve revealed recently why I got one of my tattoos. Want to hear about the newest one?
(I won’t be offended if you don’t. You can jump to the link-up at the bottom. )
You may have seen the picture on Instagram or last week’s Project 365.
This is tattoo number five. It really wasn’t that painful, and as soon as it heals, I’ll be a happy girl.
I showed this picture of tattoo #4 on Instagram a few weeks ago, when someone asked about it. I got it maybe a year after Justin died, to represent me (the mama bird) and my two babies, Henry and Ivy. I felt like I had somehow made it through the whole awful ordeal, and the three of us had survived.
At swimming lessons one day, a guy behind me asked if it was “me and my peeps”. Yes, yes it is.
I’m pink because it’s one of my favorite colors, Henry is blue and Ivy is green (because, you know…ivy).
The problem was that I have four kids now, and they notice a lot (three of them, at least). Like, um, only three birds. So, I needed something that would represent all of them.
To me, my kids are joy. They’re fun, they’re laughter, they’re love. And though there are two sets from two different dads, to me (and the most important people in our lives), they’re the same. But, they’re all oh, so different.
So, that’s where the pinwheel comes in. Four different colors and slightly different designs. But four pieces that spin together, quickly and joyfully.
Ivy is pink, Essie purple, Henry blue, and Erv green.
Do you have any tattoos? I’m dying to know!
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You really picked the perfect icon for that tattoo. I love it!
Thanks, MM! I love it, too.
I love the pinwheel! That is an awesome idea and a great tattoo.
Yes, I have a tattoo as well – it's a scorpion (I'm a scorpio) wrapped around a yin&yang symbol on my upper back.
Thanks, Kerstin! Eep…I don't know if I could bring myself to get a scorpion, even if I was a scorpio….I'm scared to death of the things!
Beautiful! I have a thing for little birds. I love the significance of all of them
Thank you, Leigh Ann! I have a thing for little birds, too. And color.
Love the new ink!
I have one on my belly, I got it when I was 21 nearly 15 years ago and I wish I could tell you it means more, but it doesn't. It's just a tattoo a young girl wanted
Thaks, Alison! My first one, I got when I was 18. I like it and think that it looked pretty when I got it….13 years ago. Now, it's kind of faded together and not so cool anymore.
I love these! (Hi! I'm new, by the way!) Seriously gorgeous tattoos and their symbolism is so touching.
I have one tattoo. It's a pink Jesus fish that says IXOYE, which means little fishes. In the Bible Jesus would refer to his followers as little fish. I am a little fish.
I got the tattoo on May 5, 2006. I wanted to mark myself, basically, as a reminder (for me) that I'm saved and that God is always with me. It's been a pretty powerful thing for me these past few years. I'm planning on getting two more. One for my Baby C whom I miscarried at 8 weeks, and later had twins, and one for my "dad" who died when I was 15.
Beautiful post! I love reading about other people's tattoos.
Welcome, Kallay! And thank you. Yours sound lovely! I have another one that is sort of dedicated to or "in memory of" my first husband. I think they're a great tribute.
As I told you before… I love it but I'm a little too scared of those needles to take the plunge myself!!!
Hee hee! It's not so bad, promise. As long as you don't get it right on top of a bone.
I don't have a tattoo, but I do love the symbolism and colors (especially the colors!) that you choose to add.
Thank you! I'm all about bright colors, in every aspect of my life.
It's awesome, Greta! I love your mama bird and chicks one, too.
Thanks, Katie! I love my little birds, too.
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I DID see your tats on instagram. LOVE them, and I kind of love that some random guy asked if they were "your peeps". I have a tattoo that i got when i was studying abroad in Spain. I was wasted. It's a Chinese character… from a SPANISH back-alley tattoo parlor. Enough said.
Ha! So….do you know what it says? At least it's a souvenir of your time there.
Thanks, Tracy!
I do not but I love yours!!!
Oh, thanks, Kerry!
How did I miss this on IG? Anyway, love things like this with symbolism. If you're going to do anything, make it count. I love that they each have that special place in the "pinwheel"!
Right?! Exactly. Make it count. I want to be 90 and still think of them fondly.
Wow. You know I will look at tattoos differently now. Who knows what meaning and thought when into them. Sorry, I'm boring. None for me. But I'll look at them in a whole different way after reading this. Your's are beautiful.
I'm glad to give you a little bit of a new perspective, Jamie! And thank you.
I love your tattoos-so colorful and fresh and representing you and what’s important to you. I have a daisy outline on my shoulder. My mom drew it and I got it when I turned 21. Now, I’d like to get it filled in and add my kids’ names and birthdates on as leaves to the flower. Supposedly, the hubs and I will go together for these tattoos whenever he figures out what he wants.
Always waiting on the husband.
That sounds awesome, though. I hope you'll share when you get it done!
What a great idea for a tattoo!
Thanks, Carolyn! I like it.
Love the meaning behind your tattoo and all the colors.
I've got 5 tattoos but I'm always thinking of another one.
You know, until I had the Es, I had no desire to get another one. The first four, I had that "I need another one!" mentality, then after that, I was fine with what I had. It was weird. Now, I want more again. Ha!
I don't have any tats (too chicken!!), but I think yours are lovely, especially given the meaning behind them.
Oh, thank you! It's pretty permanent, and I still want to be proud of them when I'm (knock on wood) 90.
Love the new ink! I like that yours have meaning behind them. The ones that I have are just because I liked them. I am planning my next one in a few weeks and that one does have meaning.
Yay! I hope you'll share! And thanks.
Love the pinwheel, so meaningful and gorgeous, beautifully done. I have 12. Just got my 12th on my birthday 3 weeks ago. Four have very specific personal meanings (my husbands name, love on my ring finger, a matching tattoo with my mom, and Japanese lettering signifying my heritage), other are things I am drawn to for whatever reason (multiple Egyptian symbols/goddesses, a mermaid, Bettie Page, flames, reptile scales, and my nerdiest, Star Trek insignia).
I love that! Only one of my five doesn't have a deep(ish) meaning, I just thought it was pretty and represented me as a woman. It was my first, and I was 18. Ha!
I love your tattoo – it is absolutely beautiful, and the meaning behind it is ever more beautiful.
No tattoos here, but if I could ever figure out the exact, perfect thing, I would get one.
oh it really hurt but it was worth. I like it a lot! It's super cute, I love the placement and the meaning behind it.