Today, she is three.
Three is blue eyes and blond hair.
Three is feisty, three is stubborn.
Three speaks only in full sentences.
Three wiggles her behind and bops her head to the music.
Three is joined at the hip to her sister.
Three is always a step behind.
Three is solid little legs and squishy little cheeks.
Three is silly.
Three is crabby.
Three is love, and light.
Three is pure, unbridled joy.
Happy birthday, pumpkin. We love you so much.
Love. Happy happy day!
Three is an awesome sense of humor and the most infectious giggle ever!
Happy happy birthday!!
Three is precious!
She is beautiful! Happy Birthday!
Three is amazing as always. Love you Essie Belle!
This is so sweet. Happy Birthday to one beautiful little, blue eyed angel! Hey, and all Instagram… you should link up!!!
I love, love, love this! Happy Birthday! She is so adorable! I wish we lived closer so she and Gia could be bffs.
Happy birthday to your girl! She's such a cute one! And I loved this post for her.
Gah- great job mama- what a beautiful tribute! I hope you have a Terriffic Three! Happy birthday to her
Beautiful! And happy birthday to her.