July!! Holy cow. That means it’s only a little over a month before school starts again. I did get my Nikon out this week, a couple of times. Just like last week, we didn’t do a whole lot, since it’s been SO. DANG. HOT.
July 1
Apparently, the only picture I took on Sunday (or at least, took and shared) was this one, of Ervin in a restaurant after church. HE IS A PILL.
July 2
This is an Instagram picture (there’s a cool button on my sidebar now to follow me), and I’m kind of crazy about it. Erv was being SO goofy when I held the phone up to take a picture, and I love the result.
July 3
This was one day when we didn’t really do anything but I got my camera out. This picture? Well, this just shows Essie’s personality pretty well (she was trying to put my lens cap back on).
July 4
I mentioned that we went to Monkey Mash’s birthday party. This is (one of) my favorite picture from the night.
July 5
We had to recover from the late night the night before, but the kids and I did go outside and check on the garden when I saw little spots of color through the window. The daisies we had planted were starting to bloom, so I grabbed my big camera and we went out there. And a little bee just happened to land while I was taking the pictures.
July 6
This is how I found Ivy before breakfast on Friday: in her underwear and halter top, with my Us Weekly, and sitting up on top of the chairs like a little grown up.
July 7
We went to stay with my maternal grandparents this weekend (visiting all of the grandparents is on our bucket list) and go to a family reunion for my dad’s side, which just happened to be down the road.
The kids had so much fun, playing Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs for HOURS. They all three insisted on sleeping with Great Grandma, so at 11:00, we had set them up like this, on two couches pushed together:
A few minutes later, we had to get the rollaway bed and do a different configuration. My grandma ended up sleeping in her own bed.
Love the second picture, adorable!
My Monkey loves to put the lens cap back on my camera too
Your kids have the cutest noses and smiles. Just adorable. And the picture of the bee on the daisy… awesome.
This inspires me to get out my camera. Love getting a glimpse into your world. Beautiful kids!
My kids always want to sleep with grandma when we visit her. Never seems to work out for all of them and someone always ends up in a different bed.
Oh, that cheeky smile of Ervin's is too stinking cute!
The bee pic is awesome.
And time at the grandparents' house is priceless.