This is what being three and having grandma withdrawal looks like:
Yes, she misses grandma. But she was crying because I told her that she had to come inside and eat lunch.
Being told “no” is hard after a whole week of not hearing it.

<div align="center"><a href="" title="GFunkified"><img src="" alt="GFunkified" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Haha! Oh sad face. I hope she is clean soon
And for your comment about hubs thinking your're heartless for taking this pic- tonight my husband sent me a youtube video of the wailing the boys were doing at bedtime. It is hysterical. Oh they might hate us now…but will laugh and laugh and laugh when they have kids
Ha! I love it. She was being totally unreasonable. It wasn't like she was hurt. She was just throwing a fit, so of course I had to take a picture.
Monkey says he'll kiss her and make it better.
Haha, sure he will.
Could she be more adorable? I think not.
I have a confession to make. When my kids get like that (and YES, at almost 11 and 15 they STILL DO) I sometimes just laugh at them… Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but very often they do realize that they are really experiencing "first world problems".
My daughter will be coming home on Saturday from two weeks with her father in Vegas, spoiled rotten, and I have a feeling it'll be a lot like this
What a face. Bless her heart. And you are so right. Parents pay for those days spent with the grands.
It's worth it of course, for them to spend the time with their grandparents. But OY.
My girls saw this and both said it looks just like our Little One!!! So cute. Middle is going to grandma's for almost a week next week… I'm dreading her return!!!
Too funny! You must have a little drama at your house, too. I'm wishing you a peaceful kid-return!
Just look at that face! Too cute. Good to know my mom isn't the only grandma around who can't say no.
Oh my gosh, no. But they have so much fun and get to bond with their grandparents. It makes up for it (mostly).
She is so beautiful even when she cries!
Thanks, Kelly! It's a darn good thing she's cute.
Did I do this right?
It doesn’t look like farrahs page. Hmmmm
Yeah, except you can add the url to the actual post instead of the homepage. That way, after you publish a new post later or whetever, this link will still take people to your iPPP post. Does that make sense? So, put as the url instead of just
Grandma withdrawal stinks. I suffer it when she hands my kids back to me. I hope everyone is adjusting to life getting back to normal.
Hahaha! Yes, the adjustment was well underway, until we came to visit some other grandparents this weekend. It may start all over again on Monday. :/
Grandma withdrawal is awful. My 12 year old still goes through it!
Oy vey! I thought there might be an end in sight. I guess I can relate though….it IS nice to be spoiled sometimes!
Awwww, look at her sweet face! No wonder Grandma couldn't say no.
Right?! If I didn't have to live with her, I'd totally give her whatever she wanted.
OMG, she is beautiful! And what a face on her face! Adorable!
Thanks! It definitely works in her favor sometimes.
I see many of these in my future now that my parents have moved down here. They hate to say no and hate to see him cry even more
Thanks, Amanda! I think it's worse for the grandparents that DON'T see them all the time, though! So, you may be okay. Good luck.
Hahaha…it's so true! It is hard to recover from an extended period of grandparent spoiling!
SO HARD! Worth it, because they all have so much fun. And I can't lie…I enjoyed my time off, too!
I"m an adult and I still miss my Mom after she visits.
Ha! Yep, I can relate!
Bless her heart! Grandmas are the best. My parents never say no either and whenever I do, Donut stomps her little feet. Whaddya gonna do?
I can just imagine her stomping her little feet.
It is SUCH a good thing they're cute!
[…] the wonder of it all.*********Linking up with these lovely ladies at Jessica at My Time As Mom, Greta at G*Funk*Ified, Julie at Mama Mash, and Sarah at Little White Whale… You should check them out! I command […]
What did Grandma look like?
Hahaha! Exactly the same sad face.