I can’t believe I’ve made it almost halfway through this challenge! Woohoo!
Okay, so this week, I did slightly better than last week at getting my DSLR out and using it. I did…um…twice. And the first time was because T reminded me that I should.
June 17
Sunday was Father’s Day, and the kids had hours of fun in the pool with their daddy. And it was the day he reminded me to get out my dang camera.
June 18
After all the pool craziness, I guess the girls were pretty worn out (who can blame them?), and they both fell asleep between 6:30-7:00pm. Henry stayed up and “helped” my dad and I weed the vegetable garden (the weeds were out of control). We found our first cherry tomato!
It’s still on the counter. We don’t really eat cherry tomatoes here…
But isn’t it lovely??
June 19
Essie fell asleep on the couch in the afternoon, and within about ten minutes, every time I looked at her, there was a new kitty configuration on top or next to her. It was out of control adorable.
June 20
Wednesday was Essie’s follow up GI appointment in KC, and afterward, I took the big three to Deanna Rose and met up with Mama Mash and her motley crue (her Monkey and two nephews). Henry had SUCH a good time with the boys that he talked Julie into letting him stay the night with them. I agreed to have a slumber party with the girls since he was gone. And they kept me up until, like, 10:30, even though I had been up since 5:30.
June 21
The next day, we met up with Julie and the boys to pick Henry up, and made another trip to Cabela’s. Notice how Henry is not with us? Yeah…he stayed with the big boys as long as he could.
June 22
The only thing exciting that happened Friday was that I left, alone, at 7pm and went grocery shopping for a couple of hours. I also had some calories saved (I’ve been tracking them with My Fitness Pal) and bought myself a Diet Dr. Pepper float afterwards. The train made me wait a few minutes for it, but I was alone, so I didn’t care.
June 23
Today, so far, is kind of a bummer of a day. We were talking about going to the local pool, because it was supposed to be 95 degrees. Well, it’s been storming since early this morning.
(This is also from the DSLR. Obviously I still need lots of practice.)
How was your week? Hopefully, more exciting than ours.
Sounds like a pretty good week to me! Great pool picture there.
Thanks, Alison! It was a pretty good week.
That pool pic is AWESOME! Your little girl has some cute napping buddies.
Thanks, Cheryl! And yes, she does. We all do.
Great pics. The nap one is beyond adorable. Love the one at the train tracks…
I melted (several times) when I saw those kitties napping with her. And thank you.
OOOooo cherrie tomatos are my favourite. My son actually loves them as much as he does grapes.
Great photos