This week has kicked my butt. The kids have been out of school for a couple of weeks, but Henry and I had to get up (not very early) so he could go to theater camp. But, last weekend, Ervin came down with some kind of mysterious (no known origin) stomach bug. Then Essie got it. Then Ivy, and T. Henry and I are the only ones that haven’t gotten it yet. *fingers, toes, and legs crossed*
Oh, and Essie is still actively potty training AND we got a new kitten.
June 3
Sunday was my cousin’s birthday dinner/party. Ervin threw up on the way there, so as soon as we pulled in the driveway, I got to clean him and the car seat up. FUN STUFF. My grandparents were there, and I got this picture of Erv and my grandpa. I love it so much.
June 4
By this point, Essie was sick too, so after Henry went to theater camp, the little three and I just hung out. And when we hang out, Ivy gets her style on. She did her own pig tails, and dressed herself. I love the too-small dress, the pajama pants, the necklace, the glasses. Every bit of it. I have no idea where she gets it. Ahem.
June 5
Tuesday was my brother’s birthday, and as his gift, he brought us a kitten. Actually, it was a stray that showed up behind his garage, and after some chasing and blood shed, he got it and posted on facebook that it needed a home. T fell for it because it looks just like a cat that he used to know, and on Tuesday, we got him. His name is Skeeter (because that was T’s kitty’s name, and T is a big ol’ softie).
June 6
It was my nephew’s birthday (so many birthdays!), and he had a T Ball game, so he had a picnic party. Essie had two major accidents in her underwear (OHMIGOD. What IS it about leaving the house??). But, Erv had the CUTEST OUTFIT EVER on.
June 7
While Henry was at camp, Skeeter got out of my office (his home for the first few days here) and played/snuggled/charmed the girls. When Henry got home, Ivy had to tell him the proper way to snuggle with the kitty.
June 8
Friday was Henry’s big performance.
June 9
Thursday night, T. got sick, so he stayed home from work Friday and didn’t do much Saturday. We didn’t go anywhere, but we did fill up a small pool out back for some more summer fun. And while that was happening, this was happening:
So, there’s your kitten overload for this week. Next week, come back for more, because we will have TWO kittens!
(We were already in the process of adopting one when Skeeter came along. I expect them to be the cutest of friends.)
How was your week?
Ivy's fashion sense is FAAAAAABULOUUUUUUS.
Isn't it? Heehee…the outfits she comes up with.
That last picture? BEST EVER. Too cute!
You definitely had quite a week, I hope that's no indication for the summer
Also – keeping my fingers crossed you won't get the mystery bug!
Thanks, Kerstin! So far, so good. Fingers are still crossed, though!!
I died from the cuteness when I saw the kitty sprawled across his back. Swoon!
Your week was amazing as always! Loved Ivy's outfit, Henry's performance and Ervin in everything. I wish Essie B was feeling/doing better. Love you all Nana & Papa
Now it's just T with the sickness….still have fingers crossed that Henry and I don't get it!
I admire/envy anyone with 4 kids AND pets…if we ever move on from renting, I am for sure going to break down and get us a dog or cat. We actually may end up with a guinea pig or two sooner than later. Hope everyone's on the mend!
We couldn't live without pets. We have four dogs, which is too many (it was a Brady Bunch situation when T and I got married!) but rather than have another baby….we got a kitten.
Aw, the kitten sprawled on cute child – TOO MUCH CUTE!!
Right?! I died from the cute, Alison. They had to scrape me off the floor.
Busy and full, as always – and my goodness that first and last photo are pure incredible!
Almost too much cuteness for one post! I can't believe that last picture. It's amazing. And Erv is wearing one of the cutest outfits ever. I think overalls on boys are always super-cute, so I put Brinkley in them when I can, but my husband hates them because he thinks they're a pain for changing time, so he always changes his outfit
She did her own pigtails?! Color me impressed! And the kitten pictures…too much cuteness!