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Last week, my preschooler had bike day at school. It was supposed to coincide with W week (for wheels, you know) but of course, it was rained out. So, they had it a week later.
The morning of, Ivy (who will be five in July but is small compared to the rest of her class) told me that she wanted to take the Radio Flyer tricycle to ride on. She’s been riding that thing on the back “porch” (otherwise known as a concrete slab about six foot by eight foot off the back door) religiously for a few weeks, so I knew she was more than comfortable on it. She also said that she was scared to ride the actual bike (with training wheels).
Side note: we live in the country with a fairly long (but gravel) driveway, right off the highway. In other words, the end of the driveway meets up with a two-lane county highway. Other than the concrete slab on the back of the house, the kids don’t have any place to ride a bike or scooter at our house. And with four kids, I’m not in the habit of loading everyone up, along with four bikes/trikes/ride-on toys, to drive ten minutes to a park.
We pack up her helmet and trike and head off to school. As I carry the wheels of choice into the classroom, I whisper to her teacher “she won’t be the only one with a trike, will she?”
Her teacher assured me that she wouldn’t be the only one, and as I saw in the line outside the classroom, there were a couple of other three-wheelers among the shiny princess and superhero bikes.
When I came back to pick her up, she still had a few minutes to ride, and she was so happy. With legs too long for the little trike, her smile was wide as she went round and round the parking lot.
My sweet girl didn’t care, so I know I shouldn’t have either. But I couldn’t help but think of what the other moms thought of her, and when I could get her a real bike. Maybe one with streamers like the sun-faded Radio Flyer. And a basket like the other girls’ bikes.
Do you have those moments, when you wish your kids had the same as everyone else?
She is too freaking cute on that pink bike! I haven't experienced mom guilt over material things yet, but I bet it sucks. I also bet that she didn't notice any discrepancies in bike shapes either.
Nope, she didn't notice, and as far as I could tell, the other kids didn't either. I should probably save my guilt for, like, third grade, when they start noticing.
I experience mom guilt over all sorts of things. You're not alone. I say, if she was happy…try to shake off the guilt. It did not hurt her one bit to use the smaller bike and she looks adorable!
You're right, it didn't hurt her. She loved it, and she WAS cute!
My son did a trike-a-thon last month and he and one other little boy were the only ones with trikes. But he insisted (he'll be 5 next week) and still had a blast so it was all good. The little kids don't really notice anyway….
She is precious.
Thanks, Elaine! I really shouldn't worry about it. The kids didn't notice, and if the moms did….well, screw em.
Oh, girl, most moms have been right where you were and I think we worry about MUCH more than the kids. The question is, they will survive, but will we!?!
Right?! We need to take lessons from our kids. Sheesh!
Oh, she is the cutest on that little trike!
I know what you mean, though. I have guilt about all sorts of weird things.
It really is strange how it comes out of the blue sometimes! Thanks…I thought she was pretty stinking cute!
I love this. And this thought has crossed my mind with B and his hoity-toity preschool friends with regard to clothes and what not- but he's happy. I want to bottle up that magic of 'I'm just a kid and I don't care' and douse him with it in the future. But then again, he will not be attending any hoity-toity schools in the first place
She looks incredibly happy with what she has at the moment. I love that in a little girl! I'm glad she had such an awesome day with so much room to ride…it looks like she had a blast!
She had so much fun! They had a whole section of the parking lot blocked off just for them, and it was a gorgeous day. I love preschool!
Oh I so share this with you Greta! My oldest learned to ride when we lived on a dead end street and is practically Lance Armstrong on a bike. We are now on a busy road with a sloping driveway and my almost 5 year old doesn't have a clue, and I HAVE NEVER put the bikes in the car to go to the park with her. But seriously – with four kids? Cut yourself some slack and look at her proud and beaming on her three wheeler. She's happy and you are awesome.
Thanks, Cindy. As long as she's happy, right? And if she wasn't, I'd probably be annoyed that she let it get to her. HA!
I actually remember being a lot smaller than the rest of my class (well not so much actually remember, but looking back at pics being astonished at how much punier I was than the rest of them), and hanging onto things much longer than I probably should have. It was harder with some kids (cause their always had to be some kid that points that stuff out), but once I found my friends, those things made me even happier to be who I was. Knowing Henry, he'll be just as good a big brother as Justin and Brian, showing her that through all that stuff, assuring her that there's always family and people that celebrate and love those differences. I don't know if it's entirely comforting, but Ivy is so confident, she'll rock her way through school. I just know it.
You're right, she will. She's shy, but she's got it under control.
She's also a spitting image of you and your mom! I hope Henry watches out for her, like our brothers did. I think he will.
The bike thing was always an issue for my girls. They were always a bit smaller than the other kids and we didn’t live in a bike riding friendly area…not enough sidewalk and too many big hills and busy streets. Now, they ride just fine until their lazy kicks in and they want to go inside because they’re “tired” and it’s “too hot.”
Good point Patrick!I
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