My son takes his lunch to kindergarten every day. Every night, I make it for him. But, he has two lunch boxes (a tall one and a wide one), so if I’m packing one, I don’t bother looking for the other.
We also have ant issues here at the house. It’s always right before a big birthday party….Erv’s first bithday is next week! Looks like the ants are moving in! Followed by two months of ant smashing in the kitchen, religious counter wiping, calls of “Mom! Ant!” from the living room.
For the last month or so, we’ve had it under control. We hadn’t seen a single one.
This morning, I couldn’t find Henry’s backpack. We look all over the house. It’s supposed to be hanging on the coat rack by the front door.
I know it’s not in the car, because he rode the bus home and we didn’t go anywhere. About five minutes before we need to leave for school, I walk outside. It’s sitting on the ground against the Adirondack chair, right next to the driveway.
I sigh, and bring it inside.
As soon as I unzip it, pull the other lunch box out and put the packed lunchbox in, I see them.
Dozens of them. Crawling up my arm, swarming the tile floor.
Little buggers.
I fly to the front door and toss the whole shebang outside, mom-cursing under my breath. I’m yelling at my son to grab the too-small, never-used play backpack, he’s saying “I’m sorry, Mom” over and over. I’m spraying the floor with all-purpose cleaner. We’re getting in the car, a few minutes too late. I’m silent the whole way, with a soft chorus of “I’m sorry, Mom” from the backseat.
So, heading into Mother’s Day weekend, I’m back in Ant Combat mode.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Here are your ants.
Oh gross, we get ants in our house sometimes too.
They are so hard to get rid of, aren't they?!
You know what? I was expecting so much that came along with parenting. I was not expecting the extra bugs. But yes, freaking ants, because of my crumb-dropping toddler. Add to that smelly carpet. My other least favorite thing.
RIGHT?! Ugh. They're stupid, and they LOVE kids!
Oh nice! Reading this I remembered that I had a creepy spider dream last night. Ick!
Thanks for linking up!
Ew! Creepy insect dreams are not fun. Neither is a house full of the things.
Cleaning the counters with vinegar is supposed to be a natural way to keep them away. I haven’t tried it but Jason claims it works!
By the way, gluten free is helping Jason’s psoriasis. No itching!
Yay! I'm so glad it's helping him. Let me know if you need any ideas/suggestions/anything.
Vinegar? I'll have to try that! Thanks!
Argh I hate ants!!
My house has a tiny infestation of urgh, roaches. Tiny ones, but disgusting. Because we live in an apartment block, other people's lack of hygiene has brought these creatures flitting into my home from the common refuse area. People who chuck their rubbish with open bags, left on the floor and not in the bin. ARGH!! Thank goodness for roach baits and my obsessive cleaning behavior.
We are clean, I promise.
Good luck with the ant combat!
We learned from living in apartments that they usually go from one apartment to the next through the drains. The ‘bug guy’ said if we kept all the drains closed when we weren’t using them it MIGHT help. :/
Yuck! That's one thing I hated about living in an apartment, and probably the only time I was obsessive about cleaning!
Ants are the WORST. Well, ok- spiders really are the worst, but those dang ants come and it's like they never really go away.
Quick story- last summer I was in the driveway doing who knows what- when something really FAST scurried out of the corner of my eye. I went to follow it and HEARD some kind of hiss- or I don't even know- it all happened so fast. Anyhow- it was BIG, bright, cherry RED with a black X on it. OMG!!! I was freaking and flipping out all over the place. Anyhow- I mama'd up and killed it. I then described it on FB and someone told me it was a Cow Killer Ant. Oh no. Please do not google that before bed.
Oh my word, Farrah. I had no idea there was such a thing as a Cow Killer Ant. Judging by the name, I don't ever want to come across one!
Oh, I'm sorry, Greta. We have similar problems in our house, and once they start, we are fighting them for a long time. And I feel like ants are crawling on me. I hate it. I mostly blame the children for leaving food everywhere without telling us. Or maybe it's our fault for letting them?
Happy Mother's Day!
In my fit of rage, I think I got most of them. And now the kids are all about pointing them out so we can kill them. Ha! Kids and their crumbs. Sigh. I hope you had a great Mother's Day, Katie!
Oh boy…this one made me laugh but I feel for you as well. That is the coolest backpack and lunch box ever though
Ants really freak me out, so small – so hard to keep track of! Good luck and hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day!
They are pretty cool, aren't they? One of his favorite things: Star Wars Legos (the other being pirates, of course).
I had a great Mother's Day! Hope you did too, Anna!
Oh ugh and eek and eew!
(Ahem. So sorry that happened!)