HI!! I’m so glad you found me! I set up shop here, got myself a cup of coffee and hunkered down to paint my toenails, waiting for company.
This is my new blog-home. I’ve simplified with a fresh, new look and name, and want you to make yourself comfortable! (I’ve already fired up the Keurig for you)
If you’ve read my blog much, you know a lot about my kids already. In the coming weeks, I’m going to try to share myself more, as the face (now, literally) behind the blog.
I hope you’ll invite some friends, check out what I’ve got to offer, maybe subscribe to my feed or email if you’re so inclined. Like I said, I’ve got coffee.
Special thanks to Jessica for making this all possible and putting up with my Libra-ness. (She had her work cut out for her, let me tell ya.)
Greta, your welcome post is so super cute, warm, and inviting! You really have a way with words! I love the new look and name also!! Did you end up getting a new hosting site? Anyways, love it! And thanks for "liking: my new page, it means a lot to me!
Of course, Megan! And thank you! Yeah, I switched to self-hosted WordPress. Eek!
Yes, I am learning WordPress as well. It feels like it takes to forever to find things at first!
You are faaaabulous, m'dear. Faaaaabulous. Muah.
Thank you, m'dear!
I love this! It's fresh and pretty and inviting. Perfect
(I'm learning WP, too; we can flounder together…)
Thanks, Angela! There will be lots of floundering…
Greta! This looks great! You and Jessica did a great job.
Thanks so much, Rach!
I love it! I can't wait to see more of you sassy pants!
Hee hee, thanks, Jenn!
Woohoo!!! Nice new digs, Greta!! WP is awesomesauce, enjoy it!
Thanks, Alison! Once I get some kinks figured out, I'm sure I'll love it!
New to your blog, and I'm already a huge fan. Love the design, and looking forward to getting to know you! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Thank you so much for stopping by!! That means a lot. You have a great weekend, too!
Greta! I totally freaking love it! The name, the look, your sassy pants…bring it, girlfriend! Looking forward to what's to come…
Jen! THANK YOU! You made my day!
Great new look, so slick and polished. Just like your own bad self.
Paul, you're the best. Seriously.
Lookin good, girlfriend! Love!
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
[…] I moved my blog over here to G*Funk*ified, I promised to reveal more of myself as a […]