My husband is mad at me. Because I did this:

If you’re not sure why this is significant, this is what she looked like yesterday:

If it were up to him, her hair might be down to her ankles.

Yes, it was an accident. I did the cut-off-the-ponytail trick, and didn’t quite know how much I was going to cut off.


I was sorry yesterday. Today, I think she looks pretty stinking adorable AND there was no screaming while I brushed her hair after her bath.

So there.

Next time, maybe he’ll take her to a real stylist. But you know what? It’s only hair….it’ll grow back.


(The first two pictures were taken with my phone, so I’m linking up with Liz and KLZ)

iPhone Photo Phun

P.S. If you’re looking for a last-minute-ish Mother’s Day gift and have a picture of your own little hair model, check out Canvas People for a free 8×10 or $50 off a larger size canvas. (this is an affiliate link, but hey, you only pay shipping)