When I happened upon Samantha’s blog for the first time last year, I got so excited. I actually wished that my then-five-year-old son was a blog reader, because he would have LOVED the pirate theme. I still should show him, but then he’d ask every day to see it. Sam is a sweet southern girl, a former Army wife, and a super supportive friend.
Her little boy (her first) had his first birthday shortly before Ervin did. Of course we shared mommy sobs over our babies growing up too fast. Of course we did. We’re kindred spirits, I’m sure of it. I don’t even have to list my favorite posts of hers, because her OCD self (hee hee) has done it already here, in her personal treasure chest.
Follow Sam on her blog, Facebook, and Twitter, or we’ll make you walk the plank!
Argh, welcome Sam!
Just three months before I had been in the exact same moment. The outcome? A state crown and a renewed sense of worth.
The lights were shining and my beautiful gown covered my shaking knees. This was it. Name after name was called and I knew Missouri would be next. Ten. Nine. Eight. I was left standing on stage left, with nothing to show for my hard work but a smile.
I flew home with hope. My portfolio told a story that only I could tell and I knew I would be the one – My undying loyalty to the company could not be passed up.
The phone call never came. I had run out of paper, ink that hadn’t yet dried, questioning my ability.
After months of trying, I had never been happier. The glimpse of my hopes on that ultrasound screen left me speechless.
Gene abnormality. 7 in 10 chance. Down Syndrome. Words that postponed our celebration and caused tears. I had no control and could only wait and see.
Our expectations have a tremendous influence on our lives. What we expect to happen in our lives versus what really happens defines us.
We have to properly manage our expectations if we want to be happy and get the most from life.
I chose happiness. What about you?
"What we expect to happen in our lives versus what really happens defines us." —-> THIS.
As someone who has just experienced a life altering change- something completely unexpected- this resonates so loudly. I am glad you chose your happy path.
Thank you Farrah! I have had many “disappointments” in my life that when I look back on I realize weren’t really disappointments at all; rather, they all taught me something.
I hope your recent unexpected turns into something expected!
A wonderful attitude, Sam! Happiness is the best path. Always.
Thanks do much for having me here Greta!! Loved your intro!
Expectations can make or break us. They are always so much different than reality. It's when we can adjust to the new normal and be happy. Even when we expected something different. Great post! You've got a wonderful outlook.
I agree with Farrah. That line is a BOOM statement. Disappointment is inevitable, and it's ok to feel it. It is not ok to dwell in it.
I’m glad you agree! Some people think its being pessimistic but I just mean exactly what you said! We are all going to be disappointed on occasion but we can’t be afraid to keep setting up Great Expectations!
I love the way you wove these moments, and the lessons within them. So very wise.
Thanks do much Galit but I can’t take the credit – those lessons really wove me! Funny how that is huh?
I love this post! Samantha totally rocks and what a great outlook! xo.
Wow what a powerful post Samantha…all so true…and yes I choose happiness!
What a beautiful post, Sam. Thank you for sharing this. And your wisdom is overwhelming, my friend.
Thank you Natalie!
I am not sure that I am wise – but I am always learning from my experiences and expectations!
I love this post. It's so hard not to be disappointed when life doesn't quite meet our expectations. It takes a strong person to choose happiness but what is the alternative? If you are busy being sad or let down, you'll miss out on life's treasures (I love that part on your blog!).
You're exactly right AnnMarie! (and thank you for the sweet compliment!!)
Each person has struggles and things that let us down (My little family has had a lot lately.) but I know we will never get this year, day, week, whatever back so I try to make the most of it! Glad you are too!
Love this. I've also learned to let go of the expectations and enjoy the happiness. Sometimes it's not that easy, but I at least try.
So nice to see you and your words here at Funk's place. Expectations can kill you one day and inspire you the next.
Are expectations not the most frustrating thing?? I always set mine so high but then life has a funny way of doing its own thing…
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